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Thursday, January 8, 2009
Preview Of Destruction: Obama Warns A Nation
You can practically hear the disdain for business [free market] in this report of the speech above, especially when you get to the end, where Obama’s emphasis is illuminated: “Obama also promised action to address the economy’s ills beyond the package, such as tackling a potential wave of home foreclosures, preventing the failure of financial institutions, rewriting financial regulations and keeping accountable the “Wall Street wrongdoers” who engage in risky investing.” (source)
“Risky investing”???? Screw you, you f*ing punk! “Wall Street wrongdoers” were ONLY put in place because of YOU and your ACORN nuts, your Andrew Cuomo bolsheviks at HUD in the 1990’s, and your lickspittle peckerheads like Bill Clinton. Don’t EVEN act like Wall Street dreamed up these home lending procedures which were the first cancer cells in this crash we’re now experiencing! (free market banks aren’t told to make loans to people who can’t pay them back)
This petty beaurocrat has listened at the feet of communists and socialists all of his life, and it is apparent. He doesn’t have the courage to be a free thinker, willing to throw off those chains of old. The Democrat Party has not evolved for 50 years, and it is obvious to those of us who have paid attention to the past 200 years of Western Civilization. Instead of innovation and production, our economic wizards like Obama and those who feed at the same trough promote niche interests [how many unskilled masses will "green business" employ?] and peacemeal projects ["updating schools and universities"? Who gets those few jobs in select college towns across America--your union thug buddies? What about those of us who don't belong to a union, live out in the boonies, and just lost our job? NEWS FLASH: there's MILLIONS of us. How many universities you got?] as a solution to our global financial crisis.
This idiot drinks from the same well as many fine characters from our past: Trotsky, Stalin, Mao. Where’s the NEW approach from the Left? Where’s the evolution? We’ve had to endure MUCH modification of our Free Market stance in this world (think about how much Adam Smith’s formula has changed), why doesn’t the Left ever have to change and meet us halfway on…ANYthing?
But they don’t. We will be strangled by this new administration, unable to gasp for air. The Free Market’s solution would be to let the markets encounter their corrections, make adjustments, then proceed on an improved path. But Obama will feed this cancer to keep it going, extracting more and more tax dollars from our whimpering freedom, all the time telling us that it was Free Markets that got us here, and that if we were wise, we would stop dreaming about making 100K a year anymore. Just like Michelle said in Ohio, “Don’t set yourself up for that dream job, making that dream salary”. It’s all too hard. And it keeps you from being herded into our circles.
Just your average Zen Baptist, admitting upfront to being a (mostly) reconstructed hillbilly.
If you can't understand the attitude or perspective I come from, it's safe to say that we're from different realities.
If you can't start off the conversation with a respectful question about how/why I came to the particular perspective I did, and then find some way that you can relate to it, then I don't have any time to entertain your issues.
Give respect, get respect.
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