Dear Diary,
I keep losing sleep from this awful nightmare: We're up to our eyeballs in chaos, people are being chased from burning buildings, children yell and scream in the streets, some on fire, stumbling away aimlessly, as the flames begin to take them over.
Everything is deathly quiet, except for the very youngest of children. There is a ringing in my ears from the explosion; glass, metal, and wood has been blown in the streets, some still aflame.
The scene changes to me running, trying to get away. I'm grabbing for guns that aren't there along the way, and nothing can repel these creatures that are chasing me in my dream.
And then I wake up.
It was a dream. WHEW. I'm sweating, heart is racing, and I'm glad to be awake, out of that dream.
It isn't long before I'm seeing the day's news: Obama Plans To Close Guantanamo In One Year. Wow. I feel kind of a pang in my mind's eye. A flash of people running. Screaming. Panic in the streets. I'm seeing my dream again!
I wonder how this GITMO extension plays with the Move On crowd. They wanted that torturous stain on our Constitution closed NOW! Yesterday, Barry told us it was only for four more months. Today it's a year. Who knows what it'll be 6 months from now?
What if we capture UBL while Barry is president? Where will Obama keep Osama? If we capture him alive, is there any doubt that to try him in our Federal Court system as if he was an American citizen would invite some anti-American lawyer looking to make a name for himself to mount a defense that actually wins in freeing him? After all, there's no droplets of blood , bloody gloves, bloody Bronco interior or anything!
What if UBL got an extra-special jury like OJ's? That jury didn't know what the words "reasonable doubt" meant, but when they saw the defendant, they knew all they had to know. With an IQ level like theirs, it could happen again in America.
Speaking of IQ levels, do you think Barry's intelligence can factor in this headline?: Ex-Guantánamo Prisoner Took Part In Iraq Bombing
Here's what the first sentence of that story read:
The Pentagon confirmed yesterday that a Kuwaiti released from the US detention camp at Guantánamo Bay three years ago carried out a suicide bombing in Iraq last month.
To these brats who gather in the streets for "civil rights" protests, this is all a game of sorts. They'll never feel the real repercussions from their actions. It's easy for them to throw on some stupid orange smocks, lay down in the street blocking the traffic of people who make America possible, and then go home again with their smug sense of self-satisfaction at "showing the man" that "we won't take it".
These overgrown crybabies won't get the bullet in the head from their actions, but one of my brothers in arms will. How I wish the reverse could be arranged.
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