Ann's appearances on shows like Today, Early Show, and The View, have got to be understood for the full drama that they are. This is not just some conservative author who is being interviewed by a left-wing media. That would be interesting enough.
This woman has really hurt these prima donna's through her laser-like analysis, and they are trying their damnedest to capture just ONE SECOND of an unflattering moment while they have her in front of their cameras. And ANYTHING will do: scratch of the nose, look of horror, snorting laughter, etc. The plastic airheads aren't the only people to worry about, either. Producers (usually younger support staff, trying to do what they have to in order to make it in broadcast media), can keep a camera trained on an unaware person, picking up hushed dialogue [witness the Jesse Jackson flap last year, where he was caught on tape expressing how he'd like to reach out and grab The Great O's twig and berries], or any unflattering face we may make in the course of a ten minute episode. Then make that one unguarded second be the most prominent image we see for the promo of the interview, the still jpg to use as the website thumbnail, etc.
A lot of people are geared towards watching you fall, towards being rewarded by these wounded Barbara Walters for picking up that ugly moment while you're in their midst.
Ann can't relax AT ALL during these red-hot "Gotcha" traps, yet she presents cooly, sophisticated, and sincerely gracious to be there for an interview. Can you understand the pressure that she's under, not only to complete this annual "dance-with-a-bear" episode without blowing up, but to take a punch on live camera like a man? (I'm sorry to be sexist, but there's no other way to express it.) Ann knows that she's coming into a hornet's nest, that Matt will be trying to slam her for what she said in her book, what Harry had someone read to him about CBS anchors, and of course, what four women got themselves in a snit over in her book. Yet she comes willingly, anyway.
Ann is one brave, cool, cat.
It is one thing to be a provocateur. I cite Rush for being one of, if not the best political satirists/provocateur of the last 50 years. But Rush doesn't submit himself to the punnishment of taking these punches like Ann does. Don't get me wrong--he's got balls, for sure. But Ann's got that, too--maybe even more so.
She's been taking her life into her hands with every speaking engagement that she does for many years, and it's all because of a drive to illuminate, to educate, and yes, even to laugh! She is a precious commodity to America, a lonely voice that speaks for all of us Conservatives, and anyone brave enough question what you were taught in high school.
She digests serious, higher-level legal/social issues with wit and humor, painting a picture that is the alternative to the one painted every night by the MSM. If you don't think Ann is brilliant, it's only because you're still brainwashed by public education. Or, you are one of the annointed airheads in front of our tv cameras every day and night.
This interview went just like the others have, only this time there was a little more estrogen, thanks only to Hasselback.
The tension in these interviews is there from the beginning, as Ann greets the interviewer(s) each time with a cheery "Good Morning". The daggers come out, sections of Ann's book are read out loud as if you were reading the confession of a serial murderer, slow...with the viewer's ear.
Do these tv bobble heads read with the same passion and glare when they interview despots like Castro or Chavez? There are real men and women trying to destroy America at our doorsteps and in our neighborhoods, but the harshest language directed at an interviewee these days is targeted towards this sleek, beautiful siren who spends the other 364 days of the year away from these red light districts we call television news.
What's the main subject this time? It's the unwed mothers facts that Ann cites in her book. I haven't read her book yet [just got my signed copy from WND in the mail today], but so far, after 5 major cable and network shows have interviewed her, it looks like Ann has done a 264-page analysis of one thing: the sexual mating habits of women. I see the sharks circling around Ann, obviously trying to paint her as cruel and heartless the best their feeble little minds will allow them.
Is there any doubt that the point about unwed mothers is merely an incidental part of her larger thesis, which is that liberals try to turn the guilty into victims in our declining culture? Why not start from the top, perched as any unbiased reader might, and examine the book from it's overall argument, then, in the framework of that context, pull out several salient or weak points as you may find them? Wouldn't we all benefit from a clear-headed, dispassionate analysis of her thinking on any particular subject?
But I guess the IQ of the View and their average viewer is too low to expect a more academic approach to this great mind. It is as if Einstein stepped into a Kindergarden class to talk about gravity.
The things she must do to make a living. The book sells itself to our crowd, to be sure, but to enjoy some better return for the years spent in research, analysis, speechmaking, and weekly output of a syndicated column, this is what must be done. One must dance with the bear if you want to win the prize.
The cackling hens that are trying to tear apart Ann are less trying to remain professional than they are trying to pander to their audience. This wasn't a
segment meant to showcase a tough woman who's made her way through a male-dominated industry, relying only on brains, grit, and principles all along the way.
These pro-women hyenas tore into Ann in hopes of destroying her, all she's worked for, and all she stands for.
Yet no one sees the irony. Where's the sisterhood? So what if Ann doesn't think like your kind of women? I know plenty more that do. Why couldn't you try to showcase and celebrate one of your kind for all that she has done by herself?
No, the View women couldn't get past their show-Ann-as-cruel agenda, trying to whip up a class and racial response right there with the audience full of women who don't work for a living. These audience members were loud and disruptive towards Ann when she was to reply a few times, but their morals and standards are different from you and me. For me, talking about unwanted, illegitimate births is a serious thing that has some amount of shame and negativity attached to it. That's why I've never done it.
For that crowd, though, it's not.
The only surprise here was that Hassleback had her knives out for Ann as well. I admit to not watching this beauty parlor experience called The View enough to know whether Hassleback acted out of the ordinary, but I had grown to understand that she supports the Conservative cause, to the degree that she understands it.
The moment at the end of this clip shows Whoopi regainning the conversation reigns because she knew they were going to break, needed to wind up the segment, and wanted to throw a zinger at Ann then storm off to commercials. "You can dish it out, but you can't take it", the brilliant sophist cackled at Ann.
Amazing, Whoopi. You, of all people, should know what it's like to be circled by a bunch of angry people who want to string you up, but you sat there salivating as Ann had to spend 10 minutes fending off charges of racism, elitism, (and being a pretty blonde, which they would never admit to being jealous of, but you know it's true), responding to every single rapid-fire accusation that they had been throwing at her...and you felt so little empathy for this woman that you tried to add one more knife to the collection in her back.
And how brilliant, too! The interview is set up for four snarky women to gang up on Ann, arguing that she's many things terrible, then, as this Jet Li-like wizard defends every thrust and perry with grace and exactitude for ten minutes, she faces the charge of "not being able to take it." HA!! That is what you say when you've been bested, dear Whoopi. You couldn't form a real charge of racism, cruelty to single mothers, or even *gasp* daring to "talk down" to the almighty Barbara Walters, (in between her tell-all books about screwing married men who are still married), against Ann, so you had to resort to doing schoolyard antics like the bully you are. You've gotten way too much mileage from being ugly and black.
NEWS FLASH TO WHOOPI: She apparently CAN take it, you washed-up hack, since she's obviously HERE, answering all of your claims, and TAKING IT. When's the last time you made declarations about morality in this country (in a deeper context than being on stage for a few minutes, where you're doing little more than making fart sounds with Billy Crystal and Robin Williams, or gossiping with three white women in an effort to be another Oprah), then went to be interviewed by the very people you criticized?
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