Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Barry In Charge: Turning American Corporations Into Welfare Agencies

The amount of fear in our free market leaders is very disturbing. In just 60 days, this administration has crippled the titans of industry. Would any of you have predicted that Ford and GM would pay your car payments before this Trotskyite was elected?
When 911 hit, and the economy was similarly affected, the big three started their 0 interest programs as a measure to stave off the lack of sales. It was only supposed to be on select models, and only for a brief window of time until the economy rebounded. I remember then thinking how desperate these merchants appeared to be.
In retrospect, that was nothing compared to what they are doing now. These entities aren’t “companies” anymore. They are welfare agents, plain and simple.
Goodbye, America, as we have always known it. Read about it here.
Sweetness & Light: Another Learning Moment
The explosive news about Barry's Bolshevik tactic of eliminating a sitting CEO of a private company was covered extensively today. Here's just some of the comments from faithful readers of this blog today:
March 30, 2009 at 4:06 pm
This is the harbinger of President Obama’s Health Care Plan. He or his representative has rejected your request for any heart surgery because you have not prepared properly for the operation by keeping fit as you were instructed and you have failed to reduce your weigh by the required amount. You will then be advised as to what options are remaining for you in your last days. How fortunate you are to have someone watching you and watching out for you. May His Name Be Praised.
March 30, 2009 at 5:48 pm
I know you are only half kidding but you are so right. This medical thing really gets me going.
My father-in-law (a Brit) in 2006 was denied all nourishment (just plain saline…no nutrients) for 6 weeks…yep, not kidding…6 weeks because he had the audacity to have a massive stroke at the age of 85. Of course he died. He was legally euthenized (sp?) He was declared too old and unimportant to the state. Before that he was a strong active old guy with a great sense of humor. Not to mention a war vet…who took shrapnel for the ingrates that killed him.
Not to mention that for weeks prior he was denied care when he was having TIAs (mini-strokes). They refused to take him into the hospital when he was having the TIAs and of course ultimately he had the big one. The just kept giving him appointments weeks away, probably hoping he wouldn’t be around to keep it.
Once in the hospital, they said “he said he doesn’t want to live”
We asked him…his mind was quick, and he managed to say “yes, you silly booger”
I about had a cow when I was told that the patient and family had NO SAY in how one is treated medically.
I’ve gone over this before here, but this is our future if/when Obalmy gets is Nationalized health plan in.
Sooo…Too old?….Too handicapped?….Inconvenient expensive treatment?
“Too bad for you….Bye,Bye… Hope the afterlife is nice….”.”
Barry In Charge: The Boy Who Never Grew Up Behaves Like This [earmarks]
Now see what really happens:
Now listen to this man-child try to excuse his lies:
This is just one of several cataclysmic lies that Barry has foisted on our great nation. He's still a little boy who never got his ass kicked enough, or was told "no" enough by his grandparents who raised him. It's written all over his face.
People of good character would be embarrassed to pull this over on the American people, especially so quickly after pledging to avoid such robbery of our treasury.
But we're not dealing with a man of character in Barack Obama. We're dealing with a boy. A lying, cheating, hateful boy.
Have you heard the apologists slithering in to offer their excuses? "Give the man a chance", they squeal. Never mind the fact that "give the man a chance" never escaped their fat lips when President Bush, a man with more honor in his little finger than in all of Barry's smoke-ridden carcass, was in office.
But the kind of idiots who are screaming "Give the man a chance" can't understand politics anyway. They never have, and they never will. (our kind of politics, that is. Ours is a representative republic, a concept a little too complex for people who come from tribal warfare as a means of settling political disputes)
I feel no shame and reservation about criticizing this cretin called Obama this early into his presidency. I listened to him for the past two years, watched him say the things he did, and took him at his words. I don't have to apologize for being educated enough to know a wolf in sheep's clothing when I see one.
Dimwitted knuckledraggers who are imploring me and a nation of right-thinking folks to "give him a chance" are the same idiots who would have you "go with the flow" as you're being carried over a waterfall.
I'm sorry, but we European Americans come from a longer tradition of civilized society than the other types in this great nation, and we didn't get here by giving a heartless liar like Obama cart blanche with our freedom and our future. You should have been paying attention a LONG time ago, but you obviously have only recently been watching politics.
If your kind had been doing a little more thinking and learning for the past two thousand years, your home nations wouldn't be in the disastrous shambles they are. Don't tell me to "give the man a chance".
Monday, March 30, 2009
Why I Love My Girlfriend Pam

Besides the fact that she's beautiful, kind, thoughtful, and a damn good cook, my girlfriend Pam trusts me, my judgement, and thinks before she speaks. It is uncanny how much we are alike in this respect. I would rather stay silent than say something I'll later regret, and she is cut from the same cloth.
After all, we both share the same Chinese astrological sign: the goat.
She is artistic and deep. She not only completed a college degree in fine arts, but has been employed as a graphic artist for many years, now. We both look at life through the same lens, it seems.
We're about to celebrate our first year together in a few days. It may sound cheesy, but it's true: we have never had a cross word between us. If we disagree with the other, we pause, think about it, then ask questions instead of rushing to conclusions and reacting.
These are just a few of the many reasons I am drawn to her, and feel very lucky to have found her. Here's an email she sent me yesterday:
She's not your typical woman, and all of her unique qualities are for the better. How many other American women have taken the time to think critically about life, instead of being consumed with the usual selfish concerns that all too many are: looks, your feelings, clothes, and...did I say looks?A Great Lesson on Socialism.
An economics professor at Texas Tech said he had never failed a single student before, but had, once, failed an entire class.The class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.
The professor then said okay, we will have an experiment in this class on socialism. All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A.
After the first test the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. But, as the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too; so they studied little. The second Test average was a D! No one was happy.
When the 3rd test rolled around the average was an F. The scores never increased as bickering, blame, name calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for anyone else. The whole class failed to their great surprise and the professor told them that socialism would ultimately fail because the harder it is to succeed, the greater the reward, but when a government takes all the reward away; no one will try so no one will succeed.
A pretty smart teacher...
Don't get me wrong: she dolls up real nice, as they say, and has a great eye for clothes when she goes shopping with her mom, but these things are not where her mental energies stop. She understands why veterans are a special breed, has immense respect for my military experience, and doesn't think it backwards or neanderthal to carry a weapon. She has a few, herself.
Sound like a unique woman? Like I said, she is, indeed.
I try to do nice things for her when I can. We both don't come from money, and I don't get to buy her all the things I think she deserves. Of course, we're happy without all of those trappings, anyway.
She and I are into music, and I love to share my collection with her. I've been making mixed cd's for her for months, now. She is a big fan of Sanrio's Hello Kitty, so I adorn each one with a different HK image:
First, you print out the cover/liner notes on special paper:
These are the reasons she means so much to me. Having been around the world, lived a sex, drugs, and rock&roll life as a radio dj for more than 20 years all over this great nation, I finally feel that I have found the perfect match for me. I often wonder why I deserve her.
Cloward-Piven Strategy: Takeover The Industries, Claiming They Weren't Serving The People

Cloward-Piven Strategy
Just like ol' Joe [Stalin] would have done, Barry is making his comrades proud: he has just taken over GM. In a stunning move of government-run-amok, Barry has pushed a sitting CEO out of work so that he could appoint an apparatchik in his place.
How did Barry do it? Well, this coward communist waited until the dark of night to pull this government takeover of one of our largest companies in America. In one breath, Barry said last week that he was giving GM 60 days to get "it's ship in order", then days later, he fires its CEO for not doing the job "right".
"But I thought Barry gave the company bosses 60 days to get it together" I hear you saying. Well, you, me, and millions of concerned citizens are saying the same thing.
And not only us, pray tell. There was an elected official who also asked that question. But he is a Republican, and we all know that Republicans are only looking out for the rich, right? “Why would you ask Rick Wagoner to resign when you are giving G.M. 60 days to meet a new target, but you aren’t saying what the new goal is yet,” queried Representative Thaddeus G. McCotter, whose district is right outside of Detroit. (source)
For this, and the past 60 days of communist takeover of America, we are holding our tea parties across America.
"What did Barry say as he ran over our Constitution?" you may ask.

Well, just like any proud Bolshevik Politburo member would say, as he lives in a lap of luxury while the peasants [in their worker's paradise] starve, "I am doing this for YOU!"
That's right! Barry uses the phony crisis [see Cloward-Piven link above] of needing to "stand behind your car warranties"! See, he's doing this massive power grab for you and me. Don't believe me? Read it here.
Hell, I just had my Dodge worked on days ago--there was NO worry on my part at all. But that doesn't matter to a good dictator like Barry. Never let the facts get in the way of your 5-year plans, collectivization, and social justice.
And as his Trotskyite chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel says, "never let a good crisis go to waste"!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Why I Love David Horowitz
If you are a typical leftist who calls himself "progressive", or some such similar moniker, you don't possess enough courage to listen to a David Horowitz. After all, he did a lot more than you do for the "progressive cause", and lived through things that your soft life wouldn't be able to tolerate. He actually put his money where his mouth is, and lived the life of a socialist progressive activist.
I can tell you're already wincing. Poor thing--you just don't know how to react when someone challenges your beliefs, do you? If you have enough courage and open-mindedness (two things anathema to liberals), I challenge you to read Radical Son. You may begin to question your long held beliefs if you do. Come out from under your covers, ok? (besides, you wet your bed again.)
David operates frontpagemagazine.com, and is featured on my list of important blogs on the right side of this site. Anyone who cares about America, the truth, and isn't antiSemetic should read it. But, then again, the Left in this country is allergic to reading pro-Jewish literature anymore. It's funny how the Left is now in bed with skinheads and Nazis. It all started when they realized that our current War on Terrorism claims Israel as an important ally in that campaign.
Leftists are such cowards that they would demonize anything that causes brave Americans to stand up and put on the uniform, of course.
Here's just a recent video featured on David's excellent site:
Hillary Gaffes: "Who Painted This?"

Wow. The hits just keep coming, don't they? For being one of the smartest women in the nation, poor Hill just keeps on opening her mouth, then inserting her smelly foot. Here she is, touring South America, known for being a Catholic-majority country, and insists on visiting the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe to lay flowers at the famous painting.
Now, if you were the smartest woman in the world, wouldn't you have enough grace and intelligence to research a little bit about the very object you were trying to make a display of for the world to see?
Apparently not, if you're used to getting a pass on such small things over your entire life. When the American press is dominated by Leftist propagandists, comrades like Hill can say anything and get away with it.
Care for one more bit of irony? Hill was due to receive an award only hours after this blunder by Planned Parenthood. If you can't see the irony in that, then you need to do a little reading, methinks.
Here's the full story.
Hillary Gaffes: Cackling In Russian
When you don't have anything worth announcing, you resort to castigating the past administration, of course. That is, if you're a morally and intellectually bankrupt apparatchik like Hill, Biden, and Barry.
Tea Party In Cape Coral Scares The Weak

The city council became alarmed when Lynn Rosko proposed the gathering at a recent council meeting. When the councilmen discovered that a list of party members of the local Republican party were sent email announcements, they showed great cowardice and shame by thrusting the request for assembly into no-man's territory: they tried to price the event out of reach for Rosko.
The city council is probably full of dirty politicians who can't stand to see their authority challenged. A protest against government spending run amok threatens their position, of course. They depend upon the taxpayers being meek little slaves of their system.
You can read the whole story here. I will be attending it because I believe wholeheartedly in the cause. The system our prophetic forefathers started has been turned on its head and is being used against us. To read some of the comments below this story on the WINK site illustrates how badly our education system has failed us. Anti-protesters write their screed with the coherence of a mad idiot.
This was all planned, of course, many generations ago by anti-freedom communists and anarchists, starting with Fabians, union thugs, and the ACLU. But the history of these things isn't taught in American high schools. Only the Howard Zinn version of history will suffice for these malcontents we call "teachers" here in America. These same irrational idiots who couldn't work at McDonald's stand in front of our kids every day, filling their minds up with the same kind of hate and ignorance that courses through their veins.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Cloward-Piven Strategy: Destroy Charitable Donations, Then Claim Only Government Can Fix It
If the entire press conference featuring Barry's amazing speaking skills is too tiresome to endure, as it is for me, then scroll forward to the 41:00 mark. This is where Barry explains his brilliant reasoning in taxing charitable donations:
Now watch this "Democrat strategist" on Fox News try to spin this ridiculous move by Obama as "an insult to Americans who give to charities":

Barry In Charge: Special Olympics Joke Flops

Let's admit: This was a rehearsed, planned, joke. They all do it. Leno, Letterman, et al always have a rehearsal before the taping of each show, just to go over their scripted questions and answers. To think that Barry didn't know what he'd say to Leno's questions is to believe in the tooth fairy.
But poor Barry didn't understand the depth of his image-shaping in rehearsal, apparently. He actually was calling the president of the Special Olympics on the ride home from that taping, before it even aired. Someone must have tipped him off that a little damage control would be necessary for tomorrow's headlines.
Frankly, I am not surprised at the character of a boy like Barry. He was raised a certain way, and it shows. What I am more offended by is that my commander-in-chief is more concerned with cultivating a false image while performing the biggest takeover of our economic well-being in American history. He is Oz behind the curtain, and at least 52% of my country falls for it.
Barney Frank: Your String Is Showing

Is he, like most flamers, crazy? You be the judge. If you can get past his lispy slur, you'll see that the words he uses are all maniacal, hysterical, and desperate. Everyone who challenges him is a "homophobe", because he can't take criticism. Typical reactionary behavior for a man who acts like a woman.
To catch up on the latest nightmare that Frank foists upon us, witness one of the gay lovers Barney suckled in the 90's: Herb Moses. Moses was an executive with Fannie Mae at that time, in place as assistant director for product initiatives. And responsible for polishing Barney's prostate, too, of course.
Did he keep his congressman queen happy and in good cheer? You wouldn't know by looking, because Barney always wears a look of constipation on his oily face.
But that isn't the point. The point is that Fannie Mae, an instrument of US Federal mortgage warehousing, was performing the very loan underwriting regulation that got us here in the first place. And Barney sharing pillow talk with a Fannie Mae executive while voting on legislation concerning his Fannie is definitely a conflict of interest, but for a person who breaks all protocols of decent behavior like flamer Frank does, nothing matters.
After all, when you've stuck your genitals into the places that Barney does, nothing is sacred.
Similar to some crazy homosexuals I have known in my life, Barney comes across as an angry, bitter old queen. These people are supposed to be happy and proud of themselves, but you'd never know it to listen to them.
Too bad that people like Frank are in powerful positions in government. They can't be clear-headed and forthright, because they have so many things they try to hide throughout their lives. Breaking rules is commonplace for them, and that's why people like Bill O'Reilly sound outraged when confronting the doublespeaking Queen herself:
Poor little Barney. He wants to escape any responsibility for his misdeeds, and only ends up looking worse. Here's the latest slur from the purse-wearing, limp-wristed flit while appearing on some laughable "news report" in what is supposed to be an "impartial" interview. (Here's where the critical thinking skills come in: if this is supposed to be a neutral interview, that is, where this "network" shows no bias to the interviewee, then why do they have graphics ready to buttress their guest's point? Those things don't just happen on the fly. The cameras have to be set up a certain way and the illustrations have to be pre-produced well before the interview begins.
In other words, this gay television "news show" is obviously trying to promote the points that rep Frank is lisping to us. It is a front, trying to indoctrinate the audience. How does that jibe with the propaganda we're always told about how much more intelligent the homo community is compared to us knuckle-dragging heteros? That they can fall for obvious tactics like this seems to expose their demented reasoning skills.
And if their response is, "Hey, we're ok with a little propaganda--it's about time we had our say", then they are no better than any of the commentary shows on Fox or talk radio. The only difference: Fox's commentary shows and the talk radio hosts are brave enough to reveal that they are expressing opinions. They don't try to fool the audience by posing as "journalists".)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
An Oasis In The Desert: Daniel Hannan
I tried public school teaching a few years ago. The kids were typical kids, but the adults were the biggest disappointment in my opinion. These teachers in Montgomery County, Virginia, are supposed to be "advanced" because that school district attempts to "mainstream" special needs students. No matter that the teachers can't think objectively, we'll make the kids feel good about themselves by hiring nincompoops to mold our next Einsteins and Mozarts.
Some of the brilliant thinking skills of other "teachers" I encountered during my years of substitute teaching there:
1) Test scores would improve if we spend more money per student, to include hiring only people with master's degrees as teachers of K-12.
2) Illegal aliens aren't a problem, because they are paying the social security of current recipients.
3) When confronted with the fact that Bill Clinton maneuvered sinisterly to allow Lorel Industries to sell China missile-guidance systems, effectively advancing the ChiComs 30 years in technology, a dimwitted high school "teacher" actually replied to me that, "they would have learned that technology eventually, anyway."
The 'blind leading the blind' is a term that kept surfacing in my mind while I tried to look at the prospect of teaching in our glorified public school system. The administrators are nothing more than scared little ninnies, forever bitching and crying that they deserve more. There are no more Socrates in our academies. The crybabies won't allow it.
When I was younger, it was fashionable among the weak, pampered, anti-establishment types to sling around the word "brainwashed". It was used for anyone who thought patriotism wasn't a dirty word. It was used against me, when I was serving in the Army. To beat all, it was actually used as a pejorative against me by people I used to call friends.
But that was many years ago, and I have come to realize the irony in their accusation. It was used by professors sons against people like me, who dared to defend them and this nation. Even though I had grown to face down my fears, tested by the mightiest of schools--the school of hard knocks in the 82nd Airborne--I still had to feel the jeers and snickers from idiots who couldn't hold a candle to me, in many, many respects.
While they were "discovering themselves" in self-made dens of promiscuity, hedonism, and unfocused adolescence, I was disciplining myself to a level they couldn't fathom. Who is the real "brainwashed" one: the boy who grew up to do exactly what his daddy does, or the man who has forged a new path for himself?
Are you brainwashed? Here's a little test: watch this video and see if you agree or disagree with Hannan's argument. I don't need to tell you which conclusion means which result, do I? For those of you who can't think critically, you are the brainwashed. Run back to your safe government job--you always were a coward, and you still are.
Cloward-Piven Strategy: Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste

This is the moment they've been praying for: a distressed nation becomes so desperate and hysterical that unscrupulous leaders can easily take advantage of their situation. They created the real estate bust by forcing banks to make home loans to unworthy prospects, based solely on race, then campaign that "only we can save you".
Once in office, there isn't a calm, methodical move to let the markets purge their bad loans and promise to never do this again. In fact, the crisis-making has only begun. Now that Obama is in office, he has turned a 1.3 trillion dollar federal spending deficit into a 3.4 trillion dollar deficit (so far). And he hasn't even been in office for 90 days yet.
Just like any adolescent would say, Barry whines that "I was given a 1.3 trillion dollar deficit by the Bush administration", as if to justify heaping on gargantuan "stimulus packages" on top of an already-crippling amount. This is the mindset of a boy who has never been in charge of anything. Nobody who cares about our nation's well-being would sink us further into debt in this fashion.
But it's all part of a master plan, of course:
And all of the Stalinists in Barry's cabinet are goose-stepping in rhythm:
Can you imagine the hue and outcry from the bedwetters from the Left if anyone from the Bush administration had said such positive things about so many of us losing our careers? "He's out of touch!" they would have cried. But now, since it's Hillary, Rahm, and Barry making such a callous, uncaring statement, the brainwashed of this nation are looking the other way. Their hypocrisy is defeaning.
Appalachian Journal: The Man Who Moved A Mountain

This is Bob Childress, the man who moved a mountain.
He was raised in southwest Virginia, and left an indelible mark on the community of mountain folk who have lived largely alone in America since colonial times. The roads that existed into this rocky terrain were unpaved, eroded, and impassable during many parts of the year. It wasn't until Bob Childress saw a reason to start a road improvement project that the rest of the world discovered Buffalo Mountain, in present day Floyd County, Virginia.
I say "discovered", but let's admit: the rest of the world has made potshots and ridiculed the Appalachian people for many, many, years. It wasn't so much that the world discovered us, as it was that we discovered the world outside our mountains. When I was growing up in Pilot, Virginia, only a few miles from Buffalo Mountain, I went to school in Riner, where it was common to see other kids who had never left the state of Virginia.
Such was life for the families of southwest Virginia, many of whom had roots dating back over 200 years in these Appalachian hovels.
I have grown up hearing the American conscience tell me in one breath, "Don't make fun of black people. Or Jews. Or Italians. Or Mexicans." But in the next breath, I was forced to watch Hollywood's portrayal of us (Beverly Hillbillies, The Andy Griffith Show, etc), which never once blinked when telling the world that it was ok to dress us up in rags, put stupid words in our mouths, and mock our sense of right and wrong in this world.
It still goes on today, of course. Cultural relativism is a concept that university professors preach to American youths while ignoring its meaning when it comes to the only racial group left to ridicule: southern whites.
Some would say that this is a sure sign that we have won. Why, we're so advanced that we can even mock and stereotype the very people who won America it's beginning. What else could be a sign of an elevated culture? While we are uber careful to edit our words when speaking of the black child who behaves like a savage in the streets of any major city in America, we forget all of that sensitivity when ridiculing the hillbillies of the Appalachian Mountains.
This sentiment is lost on the overeducated, however. The average academic is far too sophisticated to appreciate a people who grew up in the mountains. It doesn't matter that without the Virginia Blues, whom Colonel Washington proclaimed to be more able and brave than the professional British soldiers he'd been accustomed to, the soft whites from Europe who came along after all of the fighting was over wouldn't have a comfy perch from which to cast their stereotypes of us.
We understand the irony, though. That's why we say "forget them". We are more than happy to listen to our banjo music, drink our natural spring water, and race our moonshine speedsters around a dirt track for fun.
We've made roads to the outside world, but we've discovered that it won't lead us to salavation. Or even wisdom.
If you've never read "The Man Who Moved A Mountain", you ought to. It is a brief glimpse into my people from the past 100 years, told through the lens of a Pittsburgh reporter in the 1950's.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Barry In Charge: Pulling Out A Gun In Afghanistan

I love this poem from Kipling. It's what the bedouin soldier above is reciting to the mounted soldier Obama, complete with British uniform. This cartoon is brilliant on a few levels.
First, the British were very unsuccessful in controlling Afghanistan, and Barry in that costume is perfect, frankly. (Kipling was Brittish, of course.)
Second, the look on his face is the same face he gives us who caution him against the many bull-headed things he's done in the past 6 weeks. The wise Afghani is singing the funeral song for this British soldier passing by, but the haughty Obama can only look down at him in fury.
I wish the reality of this stubborn "Audacity Of Hope" trickster could result in something more benign, like the economic enslavement of an entire nation, but, alas, this charlatan we call Obama will end up killing damn good American men in an effort to "do something".
Michael Steele Steps In It
Let’s admit: Like too many African Americans, politics has only recently become worthy of DL's concern. For several generations in their community, politics was a “white man’s game”, and it mattered none to them who was favoring Constitutional principles, enlarging the welfare state, or even fighting the USSR.
These were all “white people’s doings”, and they weren’t expected to have an intellectual conversation about…well, hardly anything I can think of, but politics, to be sure.
But time has caught up with the DL Hugley’s of America. He has the same look on his face as the kid who’s starting to read his book report to the class, but he’s obviously floundering in his panic’d mind, raising his eyebrows as if he’s touching on some bombshell of a fact, when, in reality, it was nothing more than the blurb on the cover of the book. He tries to sell the audience that he really is upset and knows what the issue is ALL about.
Hugley is the African American who is wide-eyed and incredulous that a Rush Limbaugh exists on the airwaves of this great nation that finally elected a black man.Welcome to the conversation, Hugley. Some of us have been here, caring about these issues, for 40 years or more.
Where were you when we tried to explain to you that Conservative principles are what’s best for the African American community? A life of hard work, delayed gratification, and self-reliance would turn out a MUCH better result 20 years from now than to have the same person locked into welfare for 20 years. Who’s got more heart for the black community: the man who tries to “teach a hungry man to fish”, or the liberal who says, “take this fish and vote for me if you want another”?
But to the uninitiated, Hugley et al, this is a far too lofty notion to grasp, I guess. It’s funnier to not think about politics too deeply, so that you can then make cracks about it to a crowd of Americans who also don’t know enough about American politics. It happens every night with John Stewart and Colbert.
AFTERTHOUGHT: Isn’t it ironic that Chuck D, responsible for over 20 years of hate-filled lyrics against cops, society, “bitches”, etc, gets wide-eyed, too, along with his homey Hugley, at the mention of Rush Limbaugh? I rolled the tape back just to catch what brilliant criticism this race war-monger Chuck D had specifically to offer. Not surprisingly, this street poet who probably can’t even pronounce much less understand the words Rush Limbaugh uses every day, had this profound observation: “He gives you the idea that he could say anything!”
Yes, Chuck, it’s STARTLING, isn’t it? Someone like Rush, who insisted on being married by a black man nearly 20 years ago, might use words that sound wild and unforgiveable…like “free market”; “individual responsibility”; “self-improvement”; and “relf-reliance”????
I know, I know…it’s too much for you and DL to comprehend. That’s ok. You’ve been the product of low expectations from the Left all of your lives. That’s why so many of you can’t even read in America.
Tragically, it now looks as if the only crowd who used to see past your race and have higher expectations of African Americans should join the Left’s soft bigotry.
Words have meanings, Michael Steele.