Remember how easily it was for Barry to make a judgement on the entire police department of Cambride, Mass, and how "stupidly" they acted? Even more time for review has elapsed in the Weiner scandal case than was allowed the Cambridge Police Dept in the Henry Gates case, but poor little Barry seems paralyzed with fear to make a smilar judgement about Weiner's actions.
A White House spokesman said Monday that Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) is a "distraction" from important issues, but he stopped short of calling for Weiner's resignation.
White House press secretary Jay Carney, who refused to comment on the scandal last week, said Monday that "the president feels, we feel at the White House this is a distraction."
"As Congressman Weiner has said himself, his behavior was inappropriate, dishonesty was inappropriate," Carney said, briefing reporters aboard Air Force One. "But the president is focused on his job, which is getting this economy continuing to grow, creating jobs and ensuring the safety and security of the American people."
Several senior Democrats including Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), and Democratic Campaign Congressional Chairman Steve Israel (D-N.Y.), called on Weiner to resign over the weekend.
When pressed on whether Obama would like to see Weiner resign, Carney demurred.
"I answered that question," Carney said. "We think it's a distraction from the important business that this president needs to conduct and Congress need to conduct. Beyond that I don't have any more comment."
Weiner entered a rehab facility over the weekend and has requested a leave of absence from the House while he seeks treatment.
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