This is the story of a community leader in Philadelphia who lobbied hard to elect Barry last fall. His name is Dr John Duesler, Jr, of Philadelphia, and he is the man in the suit on the left side of the above picture.
Far from drawing strict generalizations about the wider population of white northeastern liberals, let me just say that it doesn't surprise me to read of this case of bigotry.
Campers "Complexion" No Problem for New Pool
U.S. Senator looking into accusations of racism
For kids in the summertime, there's nothing better than jumping full-speed into a pool to cool off.
So when 65 kids from a Northeast Philadelphia camp were banned from taking a dip at a private swim club because of fears they would "change the complexion" and "atmosphere" -- they couldn't understand why.
Creative Steps Day Camp paid The Valley Swim Club more than $1900 for one day of swimming a week, but after the first day, the money was quickly refunded and the campers were told not to return.
At first there was no explanation, but some of the campers recalled overhearing comments about the color of their skin while at the club.
Then the swim club president John Duesler issued this statement: "There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion … and the atmosphere of the club."
But what does that matter? They just wanna swim.
So the staff at Girard College, a private Philadelphia boarding school for children who live in low-income and single parent homes, stepped in and offered their pool.
"We had to help," said Girard College director of Admissions Tamara Leclair. "Every child deserves an incredible summer camp experience."
The school already serves 500 campers of its own, but felt they could squeeze in 65 more – especially since the pool is vacant on the day the Creative Steps had originally planned to swim.
"I'm so excited," camp director Alethea Wright exclaimed. There are still a few logistical nuisances like insurance the organizations have to work out, but it seems the campers will not stay dry for long.
The banning has caused so much controversy that U.S. Senator Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) plans to launch an investigation into the discrimination claim.
"The allegations against the swim club as they are reported are extremely disturbing," Specter said in a statement. "I am reaching out to the parties involved to ascertain the facts. Racial discrimination has no place in America today." (source)
So what are we to make of this country club president, Mr John Duesler, Jr? Sounds like your typical Conservative, you say?
Not so.
Indeed, we see that Mr. Duesler is the leader of a civic group alligned with Barry, which openly campaigned for his election.
This typical parlor room liberal even fronts as a community leader who lectures others on peace in formally European-run African nations and preaches about healing, reconciliation, and the elimination of apartheid.
Ironic, isn't it? The good liberal holds clinics during the week to show how multicultural he is, but what's really inside him and all false liberals is the heart of an apologist for racism.
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