This little boy is playing with fire.
He breezes into office without one callous on his soft hands. His character hasn't been formed from years of having to go to work everyday at a job you hate, for people who don't make a big fuss over you at all. Never has he had to "look on the bright side" of things, just to get by and keep the bills paid.
No, this little boy is used to getting everything he wants. Soon will come a day of reckoning for us, as a nation, that we ever elected this dark, hating, child into our fold.
We were whipped into a frenzy by the MSM, who not only picked Barry as a candidate, but led every newscast, interview, and headline as if you're a racist if you don't vote for this man.
And it has all caught up with us.
This is what we deserve for ever allowing the Left to guide our highest choices as a country.
We are witnessing the groundwork of persecuting President Bush and Vice President Cheney being laid right now. Barry thinks he's being judicious and thoughtful by saying that CIA operatives will be off the table for prosecution, but today he is adding that as we go up the deadly ladder to those closest to Mssrs Bush and Cheney, Barry is open to allowing the Justice Department to "make those decisions".
Of course he is. True to a life absent of any hard decisions, he is shielding himself from the fallout of having our best wartime president and administration put before a Nuerenberg-like trial system.
He is hiding behind the Justice dept, just like the little coward boy he is, to do his bidding while appearing "neutral", just as the draft-dodger Bill Clinton did during Waco. This is what any maniacal tyrant in a democracy must do. Perform a total takeover of society while appearing that you're simply letting "the process take its course."
Only a boy who has grown up with self-hate [thanks to a couple of savage fathers and mother who spawned without love] would fill his head with notions from the Left of deconstructing our American Way and grow up to do the things this man-child is now threatening to do.
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama left the door open Tuesday to prosecuting Bush administration officials who devised the legal authority for gruesome terror-suspect interrogations, saying the United States lost "our moral
bearings" with use of the tactics.
The question of whether to bring charges against those who devised justification for the methods "is going to be more of a decision for the attorney general within the parameters of various laws and I don't want to prejudge that," Obama said. The president discussed the continuing issue of terrorism-era interrogation tactics with reporters as he finished an Oval Office meeting with visiting King Abdullah II of Jordan.
Obama also said he could support a congressional investigation into the Bush-era terrorist detainee program, but only under certain conditions, such as if it were done on a bipartisan basis. He said he worries about the impact that high-intensity, politicized hearings in Congress could have on the government's efforts to cope with terrorism.
The president had said earlier that he didn't want to see prosecutions of the CIA agents and interrogators who took part in waterboarding and other harsh interrogation tactics, so long as they acted within parameters spelled out by government superiors who held that such practices were legal at the time.
But the administration's stance on Bush administration lawyers who actually wrote the memos approving these tactics has been less clear and Obama declined to make it so. "There are a host of very complicated issues involved," Obama said.
White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel said in a television interview over the weekend that theadministration does not support prosecutions for "those who devised policy." Later, White House aides said that he was referring to CIA superiors who ordered the interrogations, not the Justice Department officials who wrote the legal
memos allowing them.
The president took a question on the volatile subject for the first time since he ordered the Justice Department to release top-secret Bush-era memos that gave the government's first full accounting ofthe CIA's use of waterboarding — a form of simulated drowning — and other harsh methods criticized as torture. The previously classified memos were released Thursday, over the objections of many in the intelligence community. CIA Director Leon Panetta had pressed for heavier censorship when they were released, but the memos were put out with only light redactions.
Far from putting the matter in the past, the move has resulted in Obama being buffeted by increased pressure from both sides.
Republican lawmakers and former CIA chiefs have criticized Obama's decision, contending that revealing the limits of interrogation techniques will hamper the effectiveness of interrogators and critical U.S. relationships with foreign intelligence services.
The release also has appeared to intensify calls for further investigations of the Bush-era terrorist treatment program and for prosecutions of those responsible for any techniques that crossed the line into torture.
Obama banned all such techniques days after taking office. But members of Congress have continued to seek the release of information about the early stages of the U.S. response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terror under former President George W. Bush. Lawsuits have been brought, seeking the same information.
Obama said an investigation might be acceptable "outside of the typical hearing process" and with the participation of "independent participants who are above reproach." This, he said, could help ensure that any investigation would be a tool to learn, not to provide partisan advantage to one side or another.
"That would probably be a more sensible approach to take," Obama said. "I'm not saying that it should be done, I'm saying that if you've got a choice."
The president made clear that his preference would be not to revisit the era extensively.
"As a general view, I do think we should be looking forward, not back," Obama said. "I do worry about this getting so politicized that we cannot function effectively and it hampers our ability to carry out critical national security operations." (source)
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