So far, at less than two weeks in office, Barry has managed to send us these remarkable choices for delegating our behavior from the highest perches:
TIMOTHY GEITHNER: Secretary of Treasury, guilty of evading $42,000 in taxes for over 6 years, then suddenly pays up last fall when he is selected by Obama as a candidate for one of his cabinet positions:

Things looked better for Obama last week, when he proudly announced that longtime friend and political ally Tom Daschle would both take over the newly-created position of health-care czar, but also be Secretary Of HHS:

Until days later, after all attempts to "stand by Tom" were exhausted, Obama gave in and cut Tom loose. The $148,000.00 in unpaid taxes for the last 4 years were nothing between him and his old friend Tom, but you know how touchy the proletariate are about taxes, right? See ya' later, man:

And now we find the third choice of this young president to have lost track of unpaid taxes, again! Is the job just a little too much for him, maybe? He heralded this woman as the "first chief performance officer for the federal government", yet her 'performance' with the basics of being a US citizen are obviously deficient.
NANCY KILLFER: failed for a year and a half to pay employment taxes on household help:

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