Saturday, February 28, 2009
Barry In Charge: Candidate Obama=Hate The Iraqi Surge; President Obama="We All Know That The Surge Worked"
Now, after seeing this much evidence of a raving Biden and a sanctimonious Obama, both being tragically wrong about something as grave and profound to America's greatness, her voluntary men and women in should replay it again to refresh yourself on the first clip of Barry, which was filmed only 2 days ago.
The hypocrisy is defeaning.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Hillary: Still Crazy After All These Years
See, Hillary is a special case. So many American women see Hillary as a strong woman who stands firm on her convictions. "WHAT??? Hillary Clinton has morals?" I hear you ask, incredulously. And I completely agree with you. But can you believe that there are legions of middle-aged white women who haven't ever gotten it, until now?:
Here's a quick refresher course on Hillary, cattle futures, little old couples losing everything in Whitewater, and selling out our country to the Chinese:
Ultimately, the Chinese are going to do what they want to, regardless of how many First Ladies stand up and decry violence to women in China. They care about China first, Hillary and the US second. For a more serious assessment of the financial reasons why Hillary's public plea to the Chinese to continue buying our treasuries was completely done for show, check out this article.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Rick Santelli Gets My Paul Revere Award
This actually enjoyed two days worth of modest coverage, mostly as a snickering look-at-one-of-our-own-being-crazy news segment. Rick gets it, manages to say it in soundbite-length, and should be treated as saying something that ALL of our media needs to remember, but doesn't.
It's called First Principles.
In this case with the hysterical loudmouth Chris Matthews, Rick highlights the notion of "a card laid is a card played". Those who haven't played poker won't understand this axiom, but it essentially means that if you lay down your cards to show the two pair that you said you had [contracted], then when another player beats you with their three of a kind hand, you can't suddenly see a higher three of a kind you had missed in your original call of "two pair" when you laid it down.
But watch how Chris, typical of the MSM, brushes aside this chance to discuss founding principles of America because it gets in the way. "In the way of what" you may ask.
In the way of undoing our American Way. There's no better way to put it. If you aren't skilled in knowing our birth as a nation, this blog will confound you. You'll operate from a position close to that of Chris Matthews if you have depended on your high school and college professors to do the hard work of educating you on what it is to be an American.
The typical liberal hears a Rick Santelli enunciate the clear-headed, common-sense maxims of our constitution and national creed, and tries to find an exception to the rule by dreaming up a possible scenario which never happens in this country, yet serves as an actual debate against what we all know as the best possible way to exist with each other.
Watch as Matthews tries one of these sophistries with Rick:
ROLAND BURRIS: You Can Take The Politician Out Of Chicago, But you Can’t Take Chicago Out Of The Politician

In case you were numb, like me, to the Democrat politicians who are dropping like flies lately, allow me to alert you to the latest: Roland Burris. You may recall Burris as the Senatorial football that got intercepted by his own party after a few tip drills when Blagojevic tossed his name into the flats.
First he was "tainted" by proximity to Blago, and the Dem leadership in Congress was outright blocking him from entering the Senate. Then the 'R' word surfaced.
With courage and convictions like only a liberal can display, the senators reversed their ethical stance after 4 days.
So what could be the problem, now, you may ask.
Well, this former Attorney General who is used to sending you and me to prison over perjury issues has been discovered to have lied during sworn testimony to the Illinois House Impeachment panel on Jan. 8 this year. The panel was investigating whether Gov Blago or his administration had any contact with Burris in the preceding weeks and months to his "Pay to Play" scandal.
Burris said "no".
But it has NOW been disclosed from a Feb 4th affidavit that Burris admitted to have spoken three times to Blago's brother and campaign finance committee chairman, Rob Blagojevich, about raising money for Gov Blago. To cover his tracks, he now says that after many days since appealing to Rob Blago [not Rod, the Gov], he began to realize that actually raising money for Blago would possibly be seen as "paying to play".
Burris is now embarking on a defense tour to dispel any myths that he did anything wrong. Big on his list of adoring fans was a semi-filled luncheon hall where on Thursday Burris told Chicago civic and business leaders that he had done nothing wrong and had "nothing to hide."
I'm sure that a crowd of "Chicago civic and business leaders" found no reason to re-think their choice(s).
As of Friday, Burris' new chief of staff, Darrel Thompson, has jumped ship. He quit, effective immediately, and has returned as senior adviser to that pillar of virtue Harry Reid.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Cloward-Piven Strategy: Castrating The US Inspector General
From Byron York at the The Examiner:
The RAT hiding deep inside the stimulus bill
By Byron York
Chief political correspondent 2/19/09
The far-reaching — and potentially dangerous — provision that no one knows about.
You’ve heard a lot about the astonishing spending in the $787 billion economic stimulus bill, signed into law this week by President Barack Obama. But you probably haven’t heard about a provision in the bill that threatens to politicize the way allegations of fraud and corruption are investigated — or not investigated — throughout the federal government.
The provision, which attracted virtually no attention in the debate over the 1,073-page stimulus bill, creates something called the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board — the RAT Board, as it’s known by the few insiders who are aware of it. The board would oversee the in-house watchdogs, known as inspectors general, whose job is to independently investigate allegations of wrongdoing at various federal agencies, without fear of interference by political appointees or the White House.
In the name of accountability and transparency, Congress has given the RAT Board the authority to ask “that an inspector general conduct or refrain from conducting an audit or investigation.” If the inspector general doesn’t want to follow the wishes of the RAT Board, he’ll have to write a report explaining his decision to the board, as well as to the head of his agency (from whom he is supposedly independent) and to Congress. In the end, a determined inspector general can probably get his way, but only after jumping through bureaucratic hoops that will inevitably make him hesitate to go forward.
When Iowa Republican Sen. Charles Grassley, a longtime champion of inspectors general, read the words “conduct or refrain from conducting,” alarm bells went off. The language means that the board — whose chairman will be appointed by the president — can reach deep inside a federal agency and tell an inspector general to lay off some particularly sensitive subject. Or, conversely, it can tell the inspector general to go after a tempting political target.
“This strikes at the heart of the independence of inspectors general,” Grassley told me this week, in a phone conversation between visits to town meetings in rural Iowa. “Anytime an inspector general has somebody questioning his authority, it tends to dampen the aggressiveness with which they pursue something, particularly if it’s going to make the incumbent administration look bad.”
I asked Grassley how he learned that the RAT Board was part of the stimulus bill. You’d think that as a member of the House-Senate conference committee, he would have known all about it. But it turns out Grassley’s office first heard about the provision creating the RAT Board last Wednesday, in a tip from a worried inspector general. It wasn’t until Friday morning — after the bill was finished and just hours before the Senate was to begin voting — that Grassley discovered the board was in the final text. “This was snuck in,” Grassley told me. “It wasn’t something that was debated.”
Snuck in by whom? It’s not entirely clear. “I intend to get down to the bottom of where this comes from,” Grassley vowed. “And quite frankly, it better not come from this administration, because this administration has reminded us that it is not about business as usual, that it is for total transparency.”
Maybe not this time. When I inquired with the office of a Democratic senator, one who is a big fan of inspectors general, I was told the RAT Board was “something the Obama administration wanted included in this bill.” When I asked the White House, staffers told me they’d look into it. So for now, at least, there’s been no claim of paternity.
The RAT Board has all sorts of other things wrong with it. For one thing, it’s redundant; there is already a board through which inspectors general police themselves, created last year in the Inspectors General Reform Act. For another thing, it could complicate criminal investigations stemming from inspector general probes. And then there’s the question of what it has to do with stimulating the economy.
But none of that matters now. It’s the law.
Last Friday, when he learned the RAT Board was in the final bill, Grassley wanted to voice his objections on the Senate floor. But there was no time in the rush to a vote, so Grassley’s statement went unread. “It’s fitting that the acronym for this board is RAT,” he was prepared to tell the Senate, “because that’s what I smell here.” (source)
Friday, February 20, 2009
Starting A Race War: Majority Whip Clyburn Says "Refusal To Accept Federal Stimulus Money Means You're Racist"

With the stimulus package finally seeing more and more sunlight, now that it's been passed by Congress and for once being read through, Democrats are becoming desperate to tell us, "Look away--nothing here but a kindhearted stimulus bill at work!"
Too bad the internet and talk radio are still vibrant, though. It is becoming more and more obvious to those of us who dare to read the fine print in this "stimulus bill" that it is nothing more than:
A) A trojan horse bill that is less about stimulating US jobs than paying back Democrat special interests.
B) The instrument of our possible demise as a great nation.
If you think that I am being too dramatic in this assessment of the stimulus bill, you probably are not used to keeping up with politics. That's ok. I'm not writing this blog because of you.
Here is Majority Whip Clyburn's dogmatic cry of "racism" concerning the many governors in America who also see the writing on the wall, and who pledged to not take the federal "stimulus" money:
"The governor of Louisiana expressed opposition. Has the highest African-American population in the country. Governor of Mississippi expressed opposition. The governor of Texas, and the governor of South Carolina. These four governor's represent states that are in the black belt. I was insulted by that," Clyburn said. "All of this was a slap in the face of African-Americans. (source)
Now, just how much do YOU need to hear to know what's going on? Again, if you found this blog by accident, and you're a typical American who doesn't care enough to educate yourself on civics, please go back to your television show and keep telling yourself that nothing's wrong. You have always been a coward, and there's nothing different now.
In order to campaign for this behemouth appropriations bill that is disguised as a stimulus bill (unconstitutional?), Barry has told his goons in the Legislature to do what it takes (i.e., scream racism if we encounter resistance) to get public sentiment on his side.
Clyburn and Al Sharpton, Obama, and probably the entire Congressional Black Caucus are already doing the only thing their limited forebrains are capable of doing: racebaiting.
Islamofile 022009: When Women's Rights Don't Matter: Fear Of Upsetting Muslims
And here's another case from last month that is getting NO press, it seems. Two young daughters in Texas were victims of an honor killing by their father, who is still on the loose:

The Obama Constituent: Is This Our Tea Party?

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Chimp Cartoon Produces The Same Reaction As The Mohammed Cartoon

Well, it looks like we're seeing a devolution from the same kind of lunacy from none other than our own Al Sharpton. That's right, the same Al Sharpton that began life as a racial huckster with a megaphone in the Tawana Brawley case and has tried to take over as President once or twice (it's hard to keep up with how many times a black person has ran for President, lately. There are voting age adults in America who have grown up with at least Jessee, Al, Alan, and now Barry running for President every cycle.), is now, 25 years later, a racial huckster with a microphone.
Isn't it completely delirious of Keith to start the conversation with a Curious George reference, while forgetting the 8 years we've seen the exact same chimp image used for President Bush:

Hell, there's even been a website called Bush Or Chimp since 2000, and they have been putting amateur shots like this up for years:

And in case you've been living under a rock, this is the cartoon that's causing Al to lead a protest tomorrow at 5pm in front of the NY Post's hq building. He didn't like that it took the Post 24 hours in order to cave in to something they and the cartoonist himself said they didn't do.

This thing is getting really stupid under Obama's reign, so far. Lots of racism, race-baiting, and now demonstrations in his name over perceived injustices.
How much longer can we keep doing this kind of thing before it all gets away from us? A riot here, a riot there. The next thing you know you have an armed insurrection.
While scanning youtube for Al's appearance on the UberHam show, I found this guy. His name in SkitzShow, and he's pretty funny. And right:
The Obama Constituent: Inspiring Millions To Do The Same
Her pitch.
Henrietta The Homeless has become the Rosa Parks of her time, refusing to sleep in her car with her family any more. No sir, no sir. She is going to declare that she be given a kitchen and place of her own. Not just a park and such will feed her and her family, you know.
So the idea took on! When The Great One did an appearance in Meza, Az a week later, radio station KFYI did a promotion to bring a similar crowd out for him:

New AG Holder Calls Whites Cowards

"Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards." (source)
We can't have a conversation about race because of the built-in damage done by the Democrat Party. Imagine trying to converse sincerely with a person who is filled with hate and rage because they realize how deficient they are compared to the person across the table from them. After all, for several generations of Black America, the Democrat Party has been telling them that "you can't do it on your own", and that "you need for us set up different standards for you to succeed."
If we were allowed to speak freely on the weekends, in public, we would say things like, "I'm tired of affirmative action for people who still hate my race", but immediately we would be told by the pc police that "that isn't being productive".
We would say, "Why do I, as a White Southern Male, have to stand in the back of the hiring line behind all of the affirmative action hires?" And then some self-appointed, smug liberal would say, "Now you know what it feels like to have been treated the way African Americans have been treated", even though there isn't a black alive today who was treated badly by ME. So why do I need to be taught a lesson?
So where can the conversation go from there? We have sincere feelings about harmony and right behavior, but are constantly told to stifle.
Do you know how hard it is to have a sincere conversation with all of the double standards that stand between us? Blacks have had so many rules bent for them in the American society that the rest of us don't know where to begin.
You see, when white people have a family member that gets pregnant at 14, we have the emotions of shame and regret that dominate our conversations: "How could you have done that, Debbie? We taught you better than that", and so on, so forth.
The sincere emotions that we express with our own kind are seen as racist and intolerant if we were to expect the same to be said to an African American. We have been told for a couple of generations now that our emotions and expectations out of ourselves is "living in a white world", by the leaders of the African American community.
Well, when you tell people like us whites something like that, we're actually embarrassed. We look hard at ourselves and try to correct what came from the black accuser. We don't suddenly get our back up at a person and try to "flip the script" on them. We actually try to self-improve, and avoid that kind of sentiment from coming up again.
So the conversation dies there.
Meanwhile, we try to teach our young the same principles that another segment of our population doesn't take as seriously. Years go by, kids grow up to become the next generation, and the problem continues to grow.
Today, African Americans commit 70% illegitimacy in their community. White Americans are at 29% illegitimacy.
It's hard to have a conversation on the weekends when every effort you've made to be good to the African American community is thrown back in your face as "racism".
If we let you go to your own schools for an education, we're told that we're racists because we graduate more people than your schools do.
If we force bussing and desegregation to have your black children next to our white children in school, you call us racists because our white kids do better.
If we dumb down the class curriculum so that your black children can finally keep up academically, you say we're racists because they still fail the SAT exams for college entrance.
If we dumb down the SAT so that you can score better, you say that we're racists because the colleges try to teach us about "dead white men".
If we dumb down the college experience so that you can feel more comfortable, you call us "racists" because there aren't as many scientists, doctors, and engineers who are black.
Whites aren't cowards because we don't seek you out on the weekends. We're simply exhausted with trying to keep up with your latest accusation.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Barry In Charge: Signing AARP Makes The Market Tumble 021709 wasn't signed until Tuesday! What reason could prevent the Great Hope from delaying our recovery (sic) for that many days after he had implored Congress to hurry, hurry, hurry?
According to reports, Barry was chillin' and taking a vacation with his woman. Even though nothing forbids a sitting president from signing a bill wherever he or she may be at that given time, Barry didn't feel like working on this third week in office.
This is what it looked like when he passed the Trojan Horse known as AARP in Denver yesterday:
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Obama Constituent: Please Grant My Wish King Obama
This is the result of cultivating a victimhood mentality for these people, and there is only one party responsible for it. These people can't move forward on their own and overcome their obstacles without crying to the government because the Democrats, from the birth of the black person here in America, has been telling them: You can't do it on your own. You need the Democrat party to get back at The Man.
These women sound like either shameless hucksters trying to get over on the system or a child trying to get the desert without eating the carrots first like they were told.
Rahm Emanuel: Tax Cheating Millionaire

Big Democrats just can't seem to get right with Big Government, lately.
Tim Geithner "mistakenly" avoided more than $40,000 in taxes. Nancy Killefer withdrew her nomination over word that she failed to pay employment taxes for household help. Tom Daschle "honestly" overlooked more than $100,000 for a car service donated to him by a lobbying company. Hilda Solis, Obama's Labor Secretary nominee, faces questions over her husband's failure to pay thousands in tax bills, some of them 16 years old.
Now, it turns out, skull-cracker Rahm Emanuel himself has been crashing in a colleague's basement for five years for free and, you guessed it, not paying taxes on the abode.
Gawker first reported that Emanuel rents a basement apartment last week, mostly to make fun of the chief of staff for sleeping on a futon under a blacklight poster of Bob Marley. Which is an important part of the story, but it turns out the residence in question isn't zoned for rentals.
That sent Emanuel's colleague and alleged landlord out to deny the charges. Rep. Rose DeLauro (D-Conn.) told her hometown paper, "Hey, it's cool. He doesn't rent from me. He lives there for free!"
"I wanted to make clear: we have no separate apartment in our DC house, no rental apartment; all our bedrooms and living areas are part of the house and accessible. They are often used by close family and friends. In mid-November, I
got a call from the DC zoning office indicating that somebody had lodged a complaint and asked to inspect the property, which we welcomed. My husband was there for the inspection, which was uneventful and we did not hear again from the zoning office."
Wow, so one of the most powerful men in Washington is either the 7th-year undergrad rocking out to Dave Matthews in his efficiency pad in between shifts at the Gyro Wrap or the masterful mooch who passed out on your couch after a tailgate freshman year and never, ever left. One wonders if he even pays his part of utilities. That hot shower water is not free, Rahmbo.
Hospitality between colleagues is not prohibited by House ethics rules, but a gift of this size would have required a written waiver from the Standards Committee, which neither party has yet produced.
But, let's not stop there with the questionable ethics. DeLauro is married to one Stan Greenberg, a Democratic pollster who has made quite a pile of money off work supplied to him by none other than his semi-permanent house guest. Living for free in the home of a Democratic pollster whom you employed as both a Congressman and as chair of the DCCC might run up against the ethics rules of the "most open and transparent" administration in history. That revolving door Obama keeps talking about is actually the private entrance to Emanuel's digs.
Let's say the Obama administration overlooks the ethics lapses— after all, they've set the bar so high, that each failure to reach it is simply a reminder of their superiority, according to spokesman Robert Gibbs. What of the pesky tax issue?
To most people, this is “imputed income” — non-financial gifts or compensation that should be reported to the IRS. Emanuel and DeLauro defend their conduct by saying that House ethics rules permit “hospitality between colleagues.”
It would likely fall in the same category as Daschle's car service in the IRS' eyes. And, that would put Rahm Emanuel in the same category as Geithner, Killefer, and Daschle. Clearly, the Cult of Competence does not allow decent accountants. (source)
Monday, February 16, 2009
Barry In Charge: America's Epitaph: "We Won't Weaponize Space"
Today North Korea announced that "it is preparing a rocket launch, claiming the country has the right to "space development"—a term Pyongyang has used in the past to disguise a long-range missile test as a satellite launch. " (source)
There is a belief amongst some that America is a bully. They have been saying this ever since we won WW II. The communists who infiltrated our universities, the State Department, and the Executive branch, have worked for three generations to conjur up this notion that if only America would lay down its arms, that the world would be a safer place.
"But we don't use our military to conquer", you may say in protest. And you would be right. But that doesn't matter to the useful idiots like Jimmy Carter, Madeline Albright, Bill Clinton, and Barry Obama.
It may take a mushroom cloud over one of our nation's cities to finally make Barry realize that there's nothing laudable about pacifism. He is a pure coward, and it is hard to teach an old dog like him new tricks. The chance to teach him a lesson was lost when he was attending a $20,000/yr prep school in Hawaii in his youth.
Barry was too cool to consider saving a mostly white nation called America. When many of us were raised with ideals of patriotism, my country right or wrong, and other quiant notions, Barry was being taught that white America is to blame for the world's problems. Our greed, strong military, and capitalist economy needed to be brought down a peg or two.
After all of that indoctrination, Barry only felt a need to help and protect southside Chicago residents who look like him and Michelle.
Apparently, he thinks the rest of us in America need to be taught a lesson about how much we're hated around the world:
Barry was raised in the lap of luxury by doting grandparents who sacraficed their own financial savings to provide him with his world-class education and soft upbringing.
And that's the problem with Barry. He never saw anything worth fighting for, and he realized that he wouldn't have to fight if he just played the role of poor, put-upon black man here in America. We would trip all over ourselves to give him everything he ever wanted, and we would feel ashamed of ourselves if he ever claimed that something was wrong here in America.
Hell, we'd even elect him into office if it meant that we wouldn't be thought of as "racist" anymore.
In the wake of today's announcement by North Korea, are you beginning to see why it is important to educate yourself, to prevent being hoodwinked by con men?

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Obama Coin Scam: A Metaphor For Our Time
Friday, February 13, 2009
Cloward-Piven Strategy: Ramming The Stimulus Package Through Congress And Hiding The Details In A PDF

Our nation is about to commit hari-kari, and the Idiot Queen of the Left is only worried about making her flight. Nero fiddles while Rome burns.
I found an article this morning from Human Events that explains even further how nightmarish this con-job is turning out to be: The Dems didn't even make the Stimulus Bill public until last night on the internet, but before they did they spent hours converting the 1,100-page bill to pdf files!
PDF files are nothing more than a jpg! The search engines can't scan for keywords when they're looking through mere images. The bill is released last night, and the Dems are actually telling the Republican congressmen that 6 hours or more is all they get in order to know what they are voting on.
Could you effectively read 1,100 pages in a day? Even with a staff of 20 people reading a section apiece, the congressman isn't given enough time to process all of this information.
When we look back at how our nation started to fall, this will be the tracks that lead to the water's edge, where our lifeless body floats undisturbed.
From Human Events today:
Democratic staffers released the final version of the stimulus bill at about 11 p.m. last night after delaying the release for hours to put it into a format which people cannot “search” on their home computers.
Instead of publishing the bill as a regular internet document -- which people can search by “key words” and otherwise, the Dems took hours to convert the final bill from the regular searchable format into “pdf” files, which can be read but not searched.
Three of the four .pdf files had no text embedded, just images of the text, which did not permit text searches of the bill. That move to conceal the bill’s provisions had not been remedied this morning at the time of publication of this article. (You can find the entire bill on the House Appropriations [] website.)
So, what are they hiding?A lot. We searched the bill randomly -- the only way possible -- to see what’s being hidden from the public and the members of Congress who will be voting on the bill today. We found one provision that may be a good example of why the Democrats are desperate to stop any exposure of what is in this bill. Like this gem:SEC. 1607.
(a) CERTIFICATION BY GOVERNOR -- Not later than 45 days after the date of enactment of this Act, for funds provided to any State or agency thereof, the Governor of the State shall certify that: 1) the State request and use funds provided by this Act , and; 2) funds be used to create jobs and promote economic growth.
(b) ACCEPTANCE BY STATE LEGISLATURE -- If funds provided to any State in any division of this Act are not accepted for use by the Governor, then acceptance by the State legislature, by means of the adoption of a concurrent resolution, shall be sufficient to provide funding to such State.
This provision --– apparently aimed at conservative governors such as South Carolina’s Mark Sanford who does not want the federal money -- would overturn state laws and constitutions, intervening directly in the state’s government to give the legislature the power to overturn a government’s decision.This provision probably violates the US Constitution, a matter which will be of no concern to Congressional Democrats.
This act -- to strong-arm state governments and a governor’s ability to control the state budget -- is Chicago-style bipartisanship.This bill is so bad that even the Associated Press analyst report today concludes that the bill will not jump-start the economy.
Scramble in the SenateRoll Call is reporting that Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) will likely not be able to travel to Washington for the vote. This causes a conundrum for Reid, as it would bring the vote total down to 60 -- the number needed -- but no Republican wants to go on record as the 60th vote. Reid may try to get around Senate rules to enable Specter, Snowe and Collins to avoid being Vote #60 for the stimulus bill. (source)
ISLAMOFILE 021209: Dutch Politician Arrested In UK After Being Invited To Show His Movie Fitna By The House of Lords
There is a Dutch politician, Geert Wilders, who has produced a simple video, factual and researched, that shows the connection between the actions of Islamic fundamentalists and the Quran.
"Well, duh!" you may say, and I agree with that sentiment. But for the multi-culturalists, their lips tighten and they clench at their purses when you start talking about a certain race of people. To them, we are all the same, merely products of our societies.
So when this Dutch MP arrives to the UK after being invited to display his new film, he is snatched away at Heathrow airport, then quickly deported.
"Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary refused Mr Wilders entry because his opinions "would threaten community security and therefore public security" in the UK." (source)
This is his film:
Thursday, February 12, 2009
This is no surprise, of course.
Only a year into his presidency, Bill Clinton was trying to silence dissent, as any good Communist does, by declaring that America's airwaves were full of "hate and intolerance". Now, if you can recall, the only nationally-syndicated conservative voice was Rush, Barry Farber, and maybe a couple of regional hosts, but there was mainly one: Rush Limbaugh. Isn't it amazing to see the reactionary Left practically hyperventilate over an AM radio talk show? Here's Clinton's response in part about "the media" from a 1994 interview with two hosts on KMOX in St Louis:
I think there's too much cynicism and too much intolerance. But if you look at the information they get, if you look at how much more negative the news reports are, how much more editorial they are, and how much less direct they are, if you look at how much of talk radio is just a constant unremitting drumbeat of negativism and cynicism, you can't—I don't think the American people are cynical, but you can't blame them for responding that way.
We, for example, we had a meeting the other day, and a group of people were told that under our budgets we were going to bring the deficit down 3 years in a row for the first time since Harry Truman was President. And some of them said, "Well, I just don't believe you. We never hear that on the news. I just don't believe you." It's a fact. I've worked hard to do it. And we're going to—we're bringing the deficit down. That's what bothers me. (source)
By 1995, Rush was still on the air, so, using the Oklahoma City bombing as an excuse to silence dissent, Bill clinton stoked the fire as he spoke in Mineapolis only days after the bombing:
In this country we cherish and guard the right of free speech. We know we love it when we put up with people saying things we absolutely deplore. And we must always be willing to defend their right to say things we deplore to the ultimate degree. But we hear so many loud and angry voices in America today whose sole goal seems to be to try to keep some people as paranoid as possible and the rest of us all torn up and upset with each other. They spread hate. They leave the impression that, by their very words, that violence is acceptable. You ought to see - I'm sure you are now seeing the reports of some things that are regularly said over the airwaves in America today.(source)
Well, people like that who want to share our freedoms must know that their bitter words can have consequences and that freedom has endured in this country for more than two centuries because it was coupled with an enormous sense of responsibility on the part of the American people.
If we are to have freedom to speak, freedom to assemble, and, yes, the freedom to bear arms,we must have responsibility as well. And to those of us who do not agree with the purveyors of hatred and division, with the promoters of paranoia, I remind you that we have freedom of speech, too. And we have responsibilities, too. And some of us have not discharged our responsibilities. It is time we all stood up and spoke against that kind of reckless speech and behavior.
If they insist on being irresponsible with our common liberties, then we must be all the more responsible with our liberties. When they talk of hatred, we must stand
against them. When they talk of violence, we must stand against them. When they say things that are irresponsible, that may have egregious consequences, we must call them on it. The exercise of their freedom of speech makes our silence all the more unforgivable. So exercise yours, my fellow Americans. Our country, our future, our way of life is at stake. I never want to look into the faces of another set of family members like I saw yesterday, and you can help to stop it.
Our democracy has endured a lot over these last 200 years, and we are strong enough today to sort out and work through all these angry voices. But we owe it to our children to do our part. Billy Graham got a standing ovation yesterday when he said, "The spirit of our Nation will not be defeated." I can tell by your response that that is true. But you must begin today.
Barry has a lot of comrades in this effort.
OBAMA TO DATE: An Analysis 021209

Here's a great article I came across on a terrific blog, Sweetness & Light, thanks to Proreason's reposting it in the weekly round-up forum there:
Murphy’s Law, the Peter Principle and Barack Obama
What happens when everything that can go wrong in a person’s character formation does go wrong, and that person continues to be promoted to his level of incompetence?
President Barack Obama happens.
Proper character development is the overriding aim of good parents in raising their children. Mature parents, especially those Judeo/Christian parents with faith, believe it sinful to raise a child without strong self-constraint, a well-formed conscience, ingrained humility and an ironclad respect for the rights of others. Children raised thusly become self-supporting adults, honest in their dealings with others and prone to be contributing members of the society at large.
The world is purely chock full of bad parents, however. Plum chock full.
Barack Obama was conceived out of wedlock to an eighteen year-old girl, who was herself the product of non-religious, rebellious parents, intent on unraveling the fabric of WASP America. Stanley Ann Dunham met Barack Obama Sr., an already-married
African Muslim man, in a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii in her very first year there. According to President Obama’s memoir, his biological father married his mother about three months into the pregnancy, even though he already had a wife and children on his home continent. Hence, very shortly, the father abandoned the new mother and her child to seek his own fortune and yet another wife-to-be at Harvard.
Bigamists are not known for fidelity, are they?
The end result of this convoluted beginning of the man who would become President was that his maternal grandparents became his primary caregivers. With the very best of intentions, I’m sure, these white grandparents doted, scraped and groveled to make the little abandoned child’s life as picture-perfect as it could possibly be under the awful circumstances of parental abandonment. This is a recipe for disaster in the area of character development.
Believing that the child, Barry, needed lots of attention and as few hard knocks as possible, these grandparents proceeded to spoil the ever-living daylights out of the precocious, charismatic, bi-racial child of their only daughter. Through his grandmother’s connections, Barry got a scholarship to the elite Panahou Academy and became one of only five black children in the posh school, where teachers, too, bent over backwards not to offend, not to discipline. For added umph to this already-disastrous formula, Barry’s grandfather made sure the child got lots of father-figure mentoring from a self-proclaimed pedophile and avowed communist, Frank Marshall Davis.
As a young teenager, surrounded by opportunities for drug abuse and tomfoolery, Barry bragged that he had a deal with his doting grandparents which entailed his being able to do whatever he wanted while they looked the other way and pretended not to notice.
As President Obama’s school transcripts (all of them, from start to finish!) remain among his stack of unreleased documents, we have no way of knowing how our current President did in school.
However, we do know that he was doing drugs, that he was not involved in any demanding athletic program and that he was not otherwise making a big name for
himself on campus.
This was the story hailed by Axelrod as bedrock, middle-class, Kansan upbringing.
Then, it was off to Columbia and a shadow existence, which eventually culminated in President Barack Obama, the first African-American President and the first man to ever assume the highest office in the land without one whit of experience other than running for office and beguiling a public begging to be beguiled.
Nowhere, at any time during Barack Obama’s near-miraculous rise to power, did he come into contact with anyone that would have demanded a character test.
The characters in this President’s closet are too strange for fiction — Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, the New Party, Billy Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Louis Farrakhan, Mayor Daly, Rod Blagojevich, George Soros, assorted tax cheats and pay-to-play schemers of every variety. When any sentient person adds it up, he gets a man without
principle, someone so enabled in his avoidance of reality about himself that one can only call it Murphy’s Law applied to character development.
Every single thing that could go wrong has indeed gone wrong.
From Stage right and Stage left, and from below and above, we see the Peter Principle in all its inglorious dimensions set to wreak havoc upon this entire Country
In only three weeks’ time, this President has signaled to every terrorist on the
planet that we are a sorry, groveling, ashamed Nation ready to come to the diplomatic confessional. He is closing Gitmo within one year, has suspended trials there, and dismissed the charges against the U.S.S. Cole plotter. American penance is coming and it’s coming fast and feebly on its knees. .
President Obama has just put our money where his mouth is and is using $20.3 million to bring in Palestinian refugees from Gaza, the Hamas-controlled region where folks prefer bomb-making to bread-baking. Instead of helping Israel defeat them, this President brings them here.
The new Secretary of Education was in charge of Chicago schools, where more than 500 verified acts of child battering by teachers went unpunished and teacher unions trumped student rights. This Cabinet is shaping up to be worse than Bill Clinton’s and Jimmy Carter’s combined, while President Obama throws cocktail parties with $100/pound steak.
.President Obama’s definition of bipartisanship: “I won.”
President Obama’s definition of leadership: “Nancy can handle the details.”.
The Peter Principle has reached its pinnacle in President Barack Obama.
.The perfect collision of Murphy’s Law with the Peter Principle has arrived to explode in our faces.
In the words of Britain’s most eloquent commentator, “America, what have you done?” . (source)
Gregg Resignation Gives Obama Pause, But No Compromise
"He had a change of heart about leaving the Senate", is the misdirection he's holding up with one hand, while sticking law after regulation in the "stimulus" bill. Barry is tap dancing, and showing what looks like a genuine smile on his face above, despite two crashing embarrassments accrue in this departmental appointment alone. What about the flops in the other parts of the cabinet?
I like the fact that the Obama camp knew that Gregg had a reputation for being somewhat strict and principled when it came to budgets, and yet they picked him to be the head of a federal agency that was about to be the cover for MUCH rule-bending, rule-breaking, and outright tyranny.
They expected to perform this overnight takeover of our economy with a Republican fall guy at the helm. Someone they could say was a financial miser and only spent the money necessary for the nation’s recovery…and they couldn’t buy him off to do it.
My bet is the administration is going to end up with a black eye over this (downplayed and minimized as much as possible by the MSM, ‘natch) for a half a day, then they’ll dazzle us with the third person nominated to do their deed. Meanwhile, a moment to stop, reflect, and maybe correct yourself a bit will be lost on the Great O. I don’t think he has the upbringing to do such a thing.
Gregg couldn’t lend his name to what he saw coming. Rare that we find someone willing to risk what could have been a position full of perks, payoffs, and pensions for the holder.
Principled people like Gregg befuddle the Harvard Law grad Barry.
Barry In Charge: When You Throw A Revolution And No One Comes
I know how hard this moment must be for the 52% of voting America who cast the vote for this novice tyrant, but the ride isn't going very smoothly yet. It sounds like we're in the backseat of a nice, roomy, 5-speed cruiser of a car, and we let a young, untested teenager take the wheel.
And the gas pedal.
His name is Barry, and he's really a snot-nosed kid who's dedicated his life to deconstruction of one form or another since his birth. But more about that later.
Barry is now reclining in that leather interior driver's seat, kicked back in the style of your average drug dealer with outstretched arm draped loosely over the wheel. But he hasn't even started the engine yet.
He cranks the ignition, lurches forward because he didn't have his foot on the brake when he turned the key, then violently stops the almost out-of-control luxury car. The girl you're with in the backseat laughs nervously, then Barry puts his game face on to get this spaceship of a car on the road again.
The beginning of this administration is like the car that won't start right. We're going to see this man-boy try to ram things through congress like he's grinding gears with his stick-shift all through this first year.
The Saul Alinskyites insist on pushing their agenda on the heels of either a war or an economic disaster recovery, exactly like the one we're going through right now.
He's doing his best. Just give him time.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Profiles In Courage: Dan Halen

Ain't Nuthin' But A Wing has been a testing establishment for finer palates in the North Georgia community, and Dan has always endeavored to bring consistent quality night after night.
Recently, Dan had his chefs experiment with various ingredients in order to create something that blends the major themes of southern cuisine. He invented a chicken that grew dozens of extra wings across its body, and would spew draught beer and ranch dressing for dipping:
Distinguished patrons Early and Granny are lucky enough to give the new dish a sophisticated evaluation for an anxious Dan Halen. After close examination of the chicken's succulent juices, Early determines that the chicken doesn't produce draught beer when you suck from its orifices, but instead bloodclots. Dan responds that the dish hasn't been completely cleared for commercial use, yet. They're still working out the flaws.
But he has been upfront about the tumors:Placemats and crayons at every table in Ain't Nuthin' But A Wing
It is pioneers like Dan Halen that keep our country what it is: opportunity and freedom. Where else could a man of his stature, barely 3 ft 3 inches, make this much of a mark on the world?
Dining among the local upper crest of North Georgia, the town sheriff calls Dan over to his table. "Are these chicken penises I'm eating?" he asks, betraying a hint of uneasiness:
Dan shows a flash of weariness, answering yet another tedious question about a minor detail in his long day. "Do I know if these are chicken penises in your basket?" he repeats the sheriff's question.
"Indeed, if they are chicken penises, then no doubt they are the best chicken penises money can buy, Sheriff", an exhausted Dan returns. If only the public knew what kind of hoops a restaurant owner goes through to please his customers.
"Well I'm gonna tell you that you're gonna have to make some changes if you expect to stay open", says the sheriff:
Meanwhile in the back, Early's pubescent squid son, Rusty, prepares another batch of the exotic fowl:
Although a strict man with his money, Dan's generosity is felt throughout the company. Employees like Rusty are allowed to sample the cuisine for free, provided they have finished hosing down the cages for the day.
Potent as they are, the experimental wings produce a (?)hallucinatory vision for young Rusty:

"Two wood slugs are going at it", the tree says to Rusty. "Uh-oh...there seems to be a third one joining in! Things are getting kinda weird", he said:
From here, the story goes on a bit until its end.
The amazing spawn of life is helped along by the steadfast work of geniuses like Dan Halen. You can learn more about Dan Halen's contribution to the fabric of American society here. Squidbillies airs on Adult Swim, Cartoon Network on Sunday nights when in season, sometimes during the week around midnight.