Isn't it at least curious that just a month ago, merely days since clinching his victory, Obama found no problem in issuing at least a couple of comments concerning the murder and mayhem that lasted for days during a terrorist attack in Mumbai, yet now, when the US press has practically demanded that President Bush just do us all a favor and drop dead so that O may finally steer this ship out of the dangerous waters in which we find ourselves, our pleas to The Annointed One to offer some guidance on what we can expect from the US regarding what could easily be a precursor to nuclear holocaust...
is just noise to him right now:

Yep. He's too busy "kickin' it" to be bothered right now. There are already reports coming out that the pressure of the job is starting to have adverse affects on him, and the real pressure hasn't even started yet.
The foreign press is ready to pull the veneer off of Barry's facade (read London's Daily Mail on this curiosity) . I wonder how long it will be before the US press does the same.
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