Everything went the Left's way on Tuesday except for one thing: Proposition 8. For some reason, all of those Hispanics in California aren't buying everything being sold to them these days. It's well enough to be courted for your vote of Democratic candidates, they seem to be saying, but don't tell us where to put our genitals.
And it wasn't just Hispanics who overwhelmingly defeated this desperate ballot referendum in 2000 AND 2008 (Moonbeam Attorney General Jerry Brown had a fit of activism this year, as he decided to name the Proposal, "Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry" in an effort to shame anyone who reads it into "doing the right thing", by voting NO on Prop 8), it was the African American community leading the charge.
According to The Nation, here are the breakdowns of those who voted YES on Prop 8:
Demographic Pctg
African American 70
African American 70
Latinos 52
Asians 49
Los Angeles county total 50
On the same ballot, here's how they voted for Obama:
Demographic Pctg
African American 94
Homosexuals in California woke up Wednesday feeling like they were left out of the show, and got their clubs and bullhorns to show that they ARE UPSET.
So what do they do? Mass at city hall to demand justice? Form a parade?
They are thousands strong right now, threatening, screaming, and protesting against a church in Los Angeles. According to their reasoning, since they found out that the Los Angeles chapter of the LDS spent money on promoting the definition of marriage as meaning only one man and one woman, the Mormon Temple, where meek, quiet, Christians are shuffling in and out, should be the focus of their fury:

A Christian church of Mormons.
My, my, how brave.
Too bad that the minds and hearts of the LARGER COMMUNITY in California, who probably aren't Mormon, aren't getting your message, o pink rioter.
According to you, they're the ones who need it.
You've got more of a problem on your hands than pelting the walls of the church, I would say to them if they would listen. You break your necks to usher in illegal workers and give them not only sanction, but registration to vote, and you're so patriarchal that you think they're supposed to do your bidding when it comes to deeper issues, like sexuality? Just who do you think you are?
This driver put a huge "Yes On 8" sign in his car window. The activists surround him, stopping traffic.
The same can be said of the African American community. Just because you work and work to get their voter participation up, it doesn't mean they will end up feeling the way they're supposed to, I guess. Perhaps they didn't get the memo--"Stay on the plantation and vote the way we tell you to."
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