Sunday, February 22, 2009

Rick Santelli Gets My Paul Revere Award

This actually enjoyed two days worth of modest coverage, mostly as a snickering look-at-one-of-our-own-being-crazy news segment. Rick gets it, manages to say it in soundbite-length, and should be treated as saying something that ALL of our media needs to remember, but doesn't.

It's called First Principles.

In this case with the hysterical loudmouth Chris Matthews, Rick highlights the notion of "a card laid is a card played". Those who haven't played poker won't understand this axiom, but it essentially means that if you lay down your cards to show the two pair that you said you had [contracted], then when another player beats you with their three of a kind hand, you can't suddenly see a higher three of a kind you had missed in your original call of "two pair" when you laid it down.

But watch how Chris, typical of the MSM, brushes aside this chance to discuss founding principles of America because it gets in the way. "In the way of what" you may ask.

In the way of undoing our American Way. There's no better way to put it. If you aren't skilled in knowing our birth as a nation, this blog will confound you. You'll operate from a position close to that of Chris Matthews if you have depended on your high school and college professors to do the hard work of educating you on what it is to be an American.

The typical liberal hears a Rick Santelli enunciate the clear-headed, common-sense maxims of our constitution and national creed, and tries to find an exception to the rule by dreaming up a possible scenario which never happens in this country, yet serves as an actual debate against what we all know as the best possible way to exist with each other.

Watch as Matthews tries one of these sophistries with Rick:

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