Tuesday, August 27, 2024

DSSO_Someone's Going To Run For Office: Zuckerberg cries Mea Culpa over election collusion with Feds, says that it was a mistake now that the damage is done


Mark Zuckerberg said he regrets suppressing certain Covid-19 stories on his platforms - Tom Williams/Getty Images

Mark Zuckerberg: Covid censorship was wrong and I wish I’d fought it

Mark Zuckerberg has said Facebook and Instagram were wrong to censor posts about Covid during the pandemic and that the company should have fought pressure from the Biden administration.

In a letter to a US committee investigating online content moderation, Mr Zuckerberg said senior White House officials “repeatedly pressured” the company after Joe Biden was inaugurated in 2021.

He said that Facebook “made some choices” that it would not have made today.

In a letter to Jim Jordan, the Trump-supporting head of the House of Representatives’ Judiciary Committee, Mr Zuckerberg wrote: “In 2021, senior officials from the Biden administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain Covid-19 content, including humour and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree.

“Ultimately, it was our decision whether or not to take content down, and we own our decisions, including Covid-19-related changes we made to our enforcement in the wake of this pressure.

“I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it. I also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today.

“Like I said to our teams at the time, I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any administration in either direction – and we’re ready to push back if something like this happens again.”

During the pandemic, Facebook added misinformation alerts to users when they commented on or liked posts that were judged to contain false information about Covid.

It also deleted posts criticising the Covid vaccine, or suggesting that Covid was developed in a Chinese laboratory, a theory that has since become supported by some mainstream scientists and government agencies.

In the 2020 election campaign, Mr Biden had accused Facebook of “killing people” by not clamping down on Covid posts more enthusiastically. He later rowed back on the comments.

Mr Zuckerberg also said Facebook was wrong to suppress a New York Post story about Hunter Biden, Mr Biden’s son, which revealed that Hunter had offered business contacts access to his father when he was vice president.

Facebook demoted a New York Post story about Hunter Biden which claimed he had offered contacts access to his father when he was vice-president - Craig Hudson/Reuters

He said the FBI had warned the company about a “potential Russian disinformation operation” about the Biden family. Facebook had demoted the story while it was reviewed by fact checkers, which Mr Zuckerberg said was a mistake.

The Hunter Biden laptop story, which was blocked by Twitter after it was published, was potentially damaging to Mr Biden’s election campaign. Blocking it has been seen by Republicans as proof of Silicon Valley’s Left-wing influence.

Elon Musk released a series of internal emails about the decision to block the story after buying Twitter.

The Republican-controlled House Judiciary Committee called Mr Zuckerberg’s admissions a “big win for free speech”.

Meanwhile, the White House defended its actions.

It said: “When confronted with a deadly pandemic, this administration encouraged responsible actions to protect public health and safety.

“Our position has been clear and consistent: we believe tech companies and other private actors should take into account the effects their actions have on the American people, while making independent choices about the information they present.” [SOURCE]


DSSO_ Pulling Back The Curtain Of Oz: Congressional hearings about compromised agents within the Secret Service from a former SS agent, Dan Bongino

Monday, August 26, 2024

On the anniversary of the evacuation of Kabul

The anniversary of the botched evacuation of Kabul in 2021 brought back memories. My honored alma mater, the 82nd Airborne Division was called in at the last second to enforce the final stage of the pullout. Lack of leadership resulted in the loss of 13 heroes despite the best of efforts by the servicemen and women performing that evacuation, plus the disastrous rescue of thousands of US citizens and locals who helped us for the past 20 years.

I was attending the 75th annual convention of the 82nd Airborne Division Association in the days before this epic ending of our war in Afghanistan, in Houston where my brother from my time at Bragg in the mid-80's is currently the Chairman of the local Houston chapter that hosted the convention that year, and put together this little video about what it felt like when we heard the news break:


2024 Presidential Election: What Convention Bump?_First RFK, Now Tulsi: The Endorsements Keep Coming In


2024 Presidential Election: When Bedfellows Are Strange But Who Cares?: RFK Jr.’s Speech Wasn’t Republican Or Democrat But American


                                      Robert F. Kennedy / Twitter screenshot

The reasons Robert Kennedy Jr. gave for limiting his campaign and endorsing Donald Trump aren’t matters of partisanship or policy, but a matter of survival for our constitutional republic. 

By: Margot Cleveland
August 26, 2024 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. excoriated the Democrat Party, U.S. government, and our supposedly free press during his Friday press conference. Kennedy’s announcement that he will remove his name as a candidate for president in swing states and endorses Donald Trump brought cheers from Trump supporters and derision from Democrat die-hards.

But what does the alliance between Trump and Kennedy mean to the future of the Republican platform? Properly understood, nothing.

Friday’s speech was not about the policies of the Grand Old Party any more than it was about whether Kennedy’s old-school Democrat belief system remained intact. As Kennedy acknowledged, he had been “a ferocious critic of many of the policies during [Trump’s] first administration,” and the two will “continue to have very serious differences” about “issues and approaches.”

Yet an alliance will allow him and Trump to “work[] together on the existential issues upon which we are in concordance,” Kennedy explained during his press conference last week. The key “existential issues” Kennedy identified, and the hopes he professed for our country, transcend partisan politics and harken to the days of our founding.

Kennedy identified institutional corruption of both the government and the press, manifesting itself in “government propaganda,” a “resort to censorship and media control, and the weaponization of the federal agencies” as foundational threats to the country. Lawfare at the voting booth, against both Trump and Kennedy, further built the former Democrat’s case for exiting the race.

These complaints are not Republican or Democrat: indeed, every American should be horrified by the weaponization of our government and the censorship-industrial complex that converted the press from a check on our government to a co-conspirator.

Whether peddling the Russia collusion hoax against Trump, censoring information about Covid-19 vaccines, or hiding Joe Biden’s mental incapacity from the public, the press’s complicity in interfering in both elections and governance leaves Americans with one choice: an electoral revolt against the party responsible for the government’s corruption. As Kennedy put it: “When a U.S. president colludes with or outright coerces media companies to censor political speech, it’s an attack on our most sacred right of free expression, and that’s the very right upon which all of our other constitutional rights rest.”

“Securing our border,” “protecting freedom of speech,” and “getting the U.S. intelligence agencies out of the business of propagandizing and censoring and surveilling Americans and interfering with our elections”—all pressing issues Kennedy identified as reasons for his decision to suspend his campaign and endorse Trump—aren’t matters of partisanship or policy, but a matter of survival for our constitutional republic.

What of Ukraine, ending the forever wars, and fighting “big pharma, big tech, big ag, and big money,” as well as ending the childhood disease epidemic? Kennedy also identified those as areas of agreement with Trump.

For some of these issues, such as ending the war in Ukraine, Trump has made his position clear, prevailing with his view in the Republican primary. Trump’s alliance with Kennedy, then, changes nothing about these. On other issues, Republicans will need to assess any forthcoming proposals—just as Kennedy and his supporters will. There well may be fierce disagreements.

Here, though, is the key to why the alliance matters: No one, Democrat, Republican, or Independent, can properly assess a proposed policy without transparency and honest reporting. Nor can a country founded on liberty survive if the government commandeers the press to brainwash its citizenry.

There will be plenty of time for Republicans to fight over policies. Now is the time to win on the fundamentals. Just as Kennedy’s decision to limit his campaign and support Trump does not represent an abandonment by the lifelong Democrat of his policy positions, Republicans welcoming Kennedy and his supporters to the revolution aren’t sacrificing their core conservative convictions either. [SOURCE]


Saturday, August 17, 2024

2024 Presidential Election_JD Vance Video From His HS Days: Where he comes from

THE ENEMY WITHIN_ When They Say The Quiet Part Out Loud: The case when Kamala Harris actually bragged of her intent and adoration of using Stasi-like tactics to wield totalitarian control

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

WORLD TODAY: What Depths They Stoop To: Wikipedia SCRUBS JD Vance's medals from his prior service with the Marine Corps

2024 Presidential Election: The Enemy Within: Harris Campaign Caught Pushing Literal Fake News Headlines In Americans’ Google Searches


                                    (Photo by RONDA CHURCHILL/AFP via Getty Images)


Reagan Reese White House Correspondent

Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign has been caught editing various outlets’ headlines to appear in Americans’ Google searches as sponsored ads, according to an Axios report.

Over the last ten days, the Harris campaign has edited the headlines and descriptions of almost a dozen outlets’ articles found through Google search advertisements to appear as search ads from the Harris campaign, according to Axios. Several of those outlets, including CNN, USA Today and NPR, told the outlet they were not aware that their articles were being manipulated for Harris campaign ads.

“While we understand why an organization might wish to align itself with the Guardian’s trusted brand, we need to ensure it is being used appropriately and with our permission. We’ll be reaching out to Google for more information about this practice,” a Guardian spokesperson told the outlet.

Other outlets used in the ads include The Independent UK, AP, PBS, CBS News, Time and WDAY Radio, a local North Dakota radio station, Axios reported.

Democratic presidential candidate, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris (R) and Democratic vice presidential candidate Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (L) appear at a campaign rally at the University of Las Vegas Thomas & Mack Center on August 10, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

One example of the Harris’ ads links to an NPR article, edited to have the headline read “Harris Will Lower Health Costs,” Axios reported. The ad then has the description, “Kamala Harris will lower the cost of high-quality affordable health care,” the outlet found.

Though the ads are sponsored by the campaign and indicate such, Axios noted that it is not at first clear that the text promoting the article is written by Harris’ team. The Harris campaign’s latest gimmick does not violate Google’s policies, according to Axios, and the search engine believes its “sponsored” tag provides enough context for a viewer.

The campaign is trying to use the ads attached to various news stories as a way to give voters “more context,” a source familiar with Harris campaign’s ads team told the outlet.

The Harris campaign’s latest stunt could add to the growing number of questions the vice president has yet to answer. Since launching her campaign three weeks ago, Harris has yet to do a sit-down interview or a press conference. In an attempt to highlight Harris’ media avoidance and policies, the Trump campaign plans to have Senator J.D. Vance trail the vice president on the campaign trail, insiders previously told the Daily Caller. (RELATED: ‘Dam Is Going To Break’: Trump Insiders Forecast Counterattack Against Kamala’s Basement Campaign)

“To highlight that, Senator Vance and President Trump are showing up where Kamala Harris is not,” a campaign spokesperson previously told the Caller.

“Senator Vance is doing the same by going to the same places that Kamala Harris is going but refusing to take questions. Anyone can show up in a state and read off of a script, off a teleprompter, and then leave 20 minutes later, that’s exactly what Joe Biden was doing, and it didn’t work for him. We’re not going to let it work,” the spokesperson continued. [SOURCE]


GOVERNMENT TODAY_China-Trained Gov Walz Performs Like He's Been Groomed For Decades: What 'Never Let A Serious Crisis Go To Waste' Looks Like, Chicom-Style

Saturday, August 10, 2024

2024 Presidential Election_The Subversion Of Democracy, Courtesy of The Democrat Party Leaders: Pelosi admits to undemocratically forcing Biden off the ticket



At 13:39 Nancy reveals why she was motivated to force Biden off the ticket he won in a democratic primary process.  

When a very small group of people, independent of a primary process, make this decision to remove an elected candidate after the primary, they show very clearly that they are not a democratic body at all to blatantly disrespect the will of its members, and is therefore fraudulent.

DSSO_The Attack On Tulsi Gabbard: In Her Words

Friday, August 9, 2024

2024 Presidential Election_For The Record: The Planned Parenthood tapes Kamala raided media offices for as a California District Attorney

ANTI-GAY HOAX: CA State Senator Scott Weiner and the case of a fake email account used as yet another anti-gay hoax by another mentally-ill person


A state senator from California tweeted about a “threat” from hate mail.

As evidence, state Sen. Scott Wiener of San Francisco posted only one screenshot from a Notes app… he left his cursor in the screenshot, along with spellcheck lines.

In other words, the senator wrote his own Note.

Critics accused him of faking hate mail and compared him to Jussie Smollett, the actor known for falsifying a hate crime in 2019.

“This California state senator seriously tried to fake hate mail but included his cursor and the grammar lines in his screenshot,” one conservative strategist noted on Twitter. “Unreal.”

The senator, for his part, responded to the critiques. He claimed to have been transcribing a voicemail, and he dismissed his political opponents as “conspiracy theorists.”

“For all the MAGA conspiracy theorists out there, the threat was a voicemail. This is a transcription. But have fun spinning around with your conspiracies,” Wiener wrote on Twitter, apparently rolling his eyes.

Some conservatives called on Wiener to release the audio.

“Oh so you got a voicemail death threat and instead of posting the audio you carefully transcribed it, posted the transcript, and never even mentioned that it was a voicemail until everyone doubted your original story? Sure that makes sense, Jussie. Totally believable,” conservative author Matt Walsh wrote on Twitter.

Take a look — 


Wiener blamed the “hate mail” on conservative commentator Charlie Kirk.

However, Wiener didn’t accuse Kirk himself of sending the voicemail himself. Rather, the senator accused Kirk of pandering to Q-Anon hysteria, siccing his fans on political opponents, and creating an environment likely to result in hate mail.

“Words have consequences,” Wiener tweeted. “Not even 24 hours after MAGA grifter Charlie Kirk tweeted homophobic lies about me, I received this threat repeating one of his lies. But that was the point: Riling people up against me & other LGBTQ people.”

The state senator had previously gone viral for blithely dismissing the risk factors for monkeypox.

“People will make their own decisions about their own risk levels,” Wiener told The Washington Post over the summer, during the height of the monkeypox outbreak. “If people want to have sex, they are going to have sex.”[SOURCE]

2024 Presidential Election_Great Question, Ted: The reason Harris picked Walz becomes more clear

2024 Presidential Election_When A Convert Speaks Truth: Kari Lake's Guest Speaker Drops A Truth Bomb

2024 Presidential Election_That Pesky China Question Again: Exclusive—Seamus Bruner: Seven Troubling Tim Walz Connections to Communist China


                           Exclusive—Seamus Bruner: Seven Troubling Tim Walz Connections to Communist China

Seamus Bruner

Minnesota Governor and Vice-Presidential hopeful Tim Walz has an abnormal relationship with China.

“No matter how long I live, I will never be treated that well again…it was an excellent experience,” Walz said upon his return from the first of many trips there. Walz claims that his Chinese hosts lavished him with “more gifts than I could bring home.”

Walz and his supporters would like us to believe that his cozy ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are not unusual. In fact, he is “hawkish” and staunch critic of the CCP’s human rights abuses, his media allies say. The Chinese have an expression for the practice of providing cover for the communist regime while issuing the occasional muted critiques: it’s called “big help with a little bad mouth.”

As Breitbart News reported, Walz first visited China in 1989 under the auspices of a now-shuttered Harvard program called WorldTeach. Walz and became so enamored with the country that he and his wife honeymooned there after their marriage on June 4, 1994, the fifth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. Walz “wanted to have a [wedding anniversary] date he’ll always remember,” according to his wife.

The pro-democracy protest movement of students in Tiananmen Square ended in a blood bath during the night of June 3 to June 4, 1989. Between 1,500 to 4,000 demonstrators were killed and 10,000 wounded when the Chinese Communist Party ordered a military crackdown on the protesters, and the People’s Liberation Army rolled their tanks into the square and opened fire on the crowd. The students were demonstrating to demand more democracy and freedom of thought from the Chinese government. (Jacques Langevin/Getty Images)

The pro-democracy protesters watch as the Chinese communist regime’s tanks rolled into Tiananmen Square during the bloody military crackdown of the democracy demonstrations on June 3 to 4, 1989. (Jacques Langevin/Getty Images)

The pro-democracy protesters are seen on Changan Avenue during the CCP’s bloody military crackdown on June 4, 1989, in Tiananmen Square. (Peter Charlesworth/LightRocket via Getty Images)

The pro-democracy protesters are seen after the military crackdown in Tiananmen Square on the night of June 3 to June 4, 1989. (Jacques Langevin/Getty Images)

People transport a wounded woman during the military crackdown in Tiananmen Square on June 3 to 4, 1989. (David Turnley/Getty Images)
Family members try to comfort a grief-stricken mother who just learned that her son was killed during the military crackdown in Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989. (David Turnley/Getty Images)
A Chinese man stands alone to block a line of tanks heading towards Tiananmen Square on June 5, 1989, one day after the Tiananmen Square massacre. This courageous unknown man became known to the world simply as “Tank Man.” (AP Photo/Jeff Widener)

The Walz newlyweds brought sixty students with them on their honeymoon, kicking off the first of many student exchange trips to the communist country. Walz and his wife set up a company, Education Travel Adventures Inc., to facilitate the trips to China. They ultimately ended up taking more than thirty trips there.

Walz’s last known trip to China was in 2015, but he continues to meet with communist officials and headline CCP-backed events. Walz’s deep and abiding ties to China—including multiple connections to CCP intelligence front organizations—present troubling national security questions about a potential Harris-Walz administration.

Here are Walz’s top seven connections to the CCP that demand explanation.

1. The CCP approved and even subsidized Walz’s student exchanges.

After his first trip to China in 1989, Walz returned to his teaching job in America and hung a “Chinese banner” in his school office. By 1993, Walz was taking American students on visits to China where he told his students to “downplay their American-ness.”

When asked about why he was so interested in China so early on, Walz stated “China was coming, and that’s the reason that I went.” According to U.S. national security expert John Schindler, “no American would be allowed to run academic exchanges for a couple of decades, on the CCP’s dime, without [Ministry of State Security] approval. It just wouldn’t happen.”

Shockingly, Chinese authorities reportedly covered “a large part of the cost” of the 1993 summer trip. The next year, Walz and the Chinese government jointly sponsored scholarships for American students to visit China. Between 1989 and 2003, Walz travelled with hundreds of students to China.

Did Walz or his travel company, Education Travel Adventures Inc., receive any money from the Chinese government? His public financial disclosures do not go back far enough to know.

2. A CCP diplomat and other CCP government officials attended Walz’s gubernatorial inauguration in January 2019.

A translation from a Chinese government source reveals that, “Acting Consul General Liu Jun congratulated Governor Waltz and expressed his expectation to strengthen cooperation with the new Minnesota government to jointly promote the friendly and cooperative relations between Minnesota and China.”

Why were CCP members at the inauguration of a Minnesota governor and would Chinese diplomats congratulate a sincere critic of China’s human rights abuses?

3. The CCP Diplomat left the Walz inauguration to meet with Walz cronies at Minnesota’s premier globalist non-governmental organization (NGO), Minnesota Global.

According the translated Chinese government press release, “Acting Consul General Liu congratulated [Global Minnesota] on the successful holding of the China Theme Year event and said that the Consulate General looks forward to continuing to strengthen communication with [Global Minnesota] in the new year to promote friendly cooperation between Minnesota and China.”

Global Minnesota is close with Walz and has sponsored at least one his foreign trips (to Finland). Last December, Walz awarded a Global Minnesota nominee for a business award.

Global Minnesota is affiliated with globalist entities like the United Nations and frequently invites Walz for speaking engagements (in 2020, 2021, and 2022).

4. Walz has close connections to a Twin Cities-based organization that houses an alleged secret CCP police station—one of only seven secret CCP police stations in the U.S.

In 2022, Minnesota Global partnered with group called the Chinese American Association of Minnesota (CAAM) to send delegations to China.

CAAM has been accused of housing a CCP intelligence agency “Service Center” (which is effectively a secret CCP police station) in Minnesota. The Daily Caller reported:

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) United Front Work Department (UFWD) — which at least one U.S. government commission has characterized as a “Chinese intelligence service” — operates so-called “Overseas Chinese Service Centers” (OCSCs) that are housed within various U.S.-based nonprofits. OCSCs were ostensibly set up to promote Chinese culture and assist Chinese citizens living abroad, according to Chinese government records.

In April 2023, the Justice Department busted an alleged CCP Ministry of Public Security outpost, which the DOJ called a “secret police station” used to “monitor and intimidate dissidents” and other critics of Beijing.

Why has Walz failed to shut down this Overseas Chinese Service Center operating out of Minnesota?

5. Then-Congressman Walz praised a CCP-backed event that he attended with CCP diplomats in 2018. 

According the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Chicago, the event Walz attended was “The Greatest Spirit: Embrace China—Beautiful Sichuan” hosted at Minnesota University’s Northrop Theater.

The event was sponsored by the CCP’s All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese (ACFROC). According to the Chinese government website:

US Congressman Waltz commented that 30 years ago, he celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival for the first time in Foshan, Guangdong. As Mid-Autumn Festival stands out in Chinese culture as a special day of family reunion, it was his pleasure to enjoy this performance with everyone together. China and the US have a solid tradition of cultural exchanges, and hopefully both countries can maintain this tradition and amicable relations.

6. Less than one year into his first gubernatorial term, Walz was an honored guest speaker at multiple CCP-backed influence operation events in 2019.

Ten months after his inauguration, Walz accepted a speaking gig from a CCP-backed event, joining the president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) on the short list of speakers.

Walz was invited to “speak about his experiences [in China] and Minnesota’s connections with China.” Walz also was a guest speaker at the U.S. China Peoples Friendship Association convention in 2019 (alongside CPAFFC President Li Xaolin).

The CPAFFC is effectively a CCP “United Front” cutout that is accused of “directly and malignly influencing” state and local politicians in the U.S., according to the State Department. The CCP’s United Front influence operation is specifically tasked with “co-opting and neutralizing threats to the party’s rule and spreading its influence and propaganda overseas.” Beijing view United Front operation “magic weapon” to advance CCP objectives around the world.

Why is Walz so cozy with obvious CCP intelligence operatives and are they paying him for these speeches?

7. Walz has a long history of making outlandishly pro-CCP comments.

Walz has said that “going [to China] was one of the best things I have ever done” and that if the Chinese “had the proper leadership, there are no limits to what they could accomplish.” He claims that his teaching position Macau Polytechnic University “helped develop his knowledge of China’s unique international status.”

In 2011, Walz said he developed “a great admiration for and a close connection with the Chinese people” after teaching there. He indirectly praised the CCP’s brutal police when he said that China had “almost no crime.”

Walz has also claimed the U.S. does not need to have an “adversarial relationship” with China and that “there was no anti-American feeling [in China] whatsoever.”

Notably, Walz’s gentle criticisms often ignore the aspect of the Chinese system responsible for the brutality: communism. And he recently compared socialism to “neighborliness.” Walz seems to view human rights abuses as events that all countries commit from time to time and move on.

On the twentieth anniversary of Tiananmen Square massacre, Walz said that “every nation has its dark periods that it must come to grips with.” And that “this Nation [the US] is no exception.” While this is true, Walz refers to events in American history that happened over a century ago with far less bloodshed.

Meanwhile, the CCP’s ongoing “break their lineage, break their roots” persecution of ethnic minorities in China is rightly characterized as a crime against humanity and even a genocide.

Why does Tim Walz seem to downplay the undeniable bloodshed of communism and socialism?

This is a developing story.

Seamus Bruner is the author of Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life and Peter Schweizer’s Head of Research at the Government Accountability Institute. Follow him @SeamusBruner. [SOURCE]

2024 Presidential Election_Tim Walz: Anonymous explains his record

WORLD TODAY_Meanwhile in Britain: The West Is Done

MEDIA TODAY_The Long History Of Trying To Get Trump Assassinated: the case of CNN since 2017 when Geraldo Rivera called them on it


Geraldo Rivera Blasts CNN — ‘Trump Must-Be-Crazy Crowd Rooting for Assassination’


Those who watched CNN in the wake of President Trump’s rally last night in Arizona were treated to what can only be described as an organized narrative meant to question Trump’s sanity. Immediately after Trump’s raucous rally, where the president spent upwards of 20 minutes accurately blistering the lying media, CNN anchor Don Lemon hit the gas, closed his eyes, and careened off the rails:

Well, what do you say to that? I’m just going to speak from the heart here — what we have witnessed is a total eclipse of the facts. He’s unhinged. It’s embarrassing.

Lemon then asked his guest, former-director for national intelligence James Clapper, to join in on the backseat psychiatry. Clapper, one of the all-time great DC swamp creatures, was eager to jump in:

“You said you questioned his fitness. Is he a threat to national security — the president?” Lemon asked.

“Well, he certainly could be. Again, having some understanding of the levers that a president can exercise, I worry about, frankly, you know, the access to the nuclear codes,” Clapper answered. …

“I really question his ability, his fitness to be in this office, and I also am beginning to wonder about his motivation for it,” Clapper said. “Maybe he is looking for a way out.”

As if on cue, resident CNN neurotic, Ana Navarro, was also questioning Trump’s sanity: “Only possible defensible explanation for Trump’s disgusting, unpresidential, narcissistic behavior, would be early-on-set dementia. Maybe,” she tweeted, although, like Clapper and Lemon, she has no medical training that anyone is aware of.

And on and on it went at CNN…

There really is no question that this narrative was pre-planned and organized by the last place cable network, and done so for maximum effect. After all, just a few days before, CNN’s leftwing media reporter Brian Stelter planted the seeds of this narrative with the revelation of what goes on behind-the-scenes at CNN:

“Usually after the microphones are off, or after the stories are filed, after the paper has been put to bed, people’s concerns, and fears and  questions come out,” Stelter said. “… Questions like these: Is the president of the United States a racist? Is he suffering from some kind of illness? Is he fit for office? And if he’s unfit, then what?”

There is no question that this was a deliberate act on Stelter’s part, a way to casually toxify the debate around Trump even further, a way to signal the troops that this is the next phase of the battle.

Geraldo Rivera might work for Fox News, but he is no Trump fan. Nonetheless, he knows exactly what CNN is up to and said so using his Twitter account:


Here at the Daily Wire we have seen where this is going for nearly a year now…

Assassination Dogwhistles: Media Ramps Up Dangerous Rhetoric Against President Trump

Proud Sponsor of President Trump’s Nightly ‘Assassination’ — CNN’s Parent Company Time Warner

CROSSHAIRS: CNN Points What Looks Like A Sniper Scope At Steve Bannon’s Head

If You Need Proof CNN Wants Trump And His Supporters Assassinated — Here It Is

We know CNN believes that rhetoric causes violence. Why just last night CNN claimed that the violence caused by Antifa, a leftwing terrorist group that was out in force protesting Trump’s Arizona rally, was caused by Trump’s speech.

So if CNN believes words cause violence, why is CNN, with no medical expertise to back up its absurd claims, warning its audience that the man in charge of the nuclear arsenal, the most powerful man on the planet, is crazy and therefore very dangerous.

The message CNN is sending to violent, paranoid crazies looking for infamy, looking to alter history, is painfully obvious and intentional. CNN wants Trump dead, and kudos to Geraldo Rivera for finally speaking that truth out loud. [SOURCE]


WORLD TODAY_So Fun To Watch: Trump Derangement Syndrome On Display

WORLD TODAY_The Story Of A Hero: Jordan Peterson And His Fight

ELECTION FRAUD_How They Deceived Us: Biden-Harris Staffers Reveal How They Manipulated ‘Disinformation’ To Hide Biden’s Mental Decline From Voters

(Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

Julianna Frieman Contributor

Zoom call videos following the 2020 election cycle show Biden-Harris staffers reveal how they manipulated “disinformation” to hide then-Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s cognitive decline from voters.

Former Biden-Harris campaign Digital Director Rob Flaherty — now presumptive Democratic nominee Kamala Harris’s deputy campaign manager — revealed that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) created a program to detect, track and have social media platforms flag “misinformation narratives” including online discussion about Biden’s mental fitness for public office, according to videos obtained by journalist Matt Orfalea. These videos showed a Zoom call Flaherty conducted with HOPE not hate, a U.K.-based activist group touting its mission of combatting “far-right extremism.” The Zoom call took place on Nov. 18, 2020, according to a screenshot of from a HOPE not hate Twitter post.



Flaherty, who called the program “one of the smartest things” orchestrated by the Democratic Party, was joined on the call by Timothy Durigan. A Dem List news release from May 2021 said he had been announced as the DNC Counter-Disinformation Program’s lead analyst in recent months. Then-Biden For President’s Director of Rapid Response, Rebecca Rinkevich, who later became the Biden administration’s White House deputy director of digital strategy, also took part in the call.

Rinkevich said there was a massive amount of “disinformation” relating to Biden’s mental fortitude. She explained that people making posts related to topics deemed disinformation were targeted in real-time based on “online behavioral cues, building out personas based on the kind of content they were consuming, what they were searching, [and] the kinds of websites they were visiting.”



Durigan took the helm of the program and his reports were sent to the highest levels of the Biden campaign, according to Flaherty. The program is still listed on the DNC’s official website, and Durigan remains employed by the DNC going on six years, according to his LinkedIn page. He previously worked for a few months as a Data Visualization Analyst on former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.


Rinkevich attributed at least 200,000 votes Biden received in 2020 to the program. The Democrat president won the states of Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin by less than that put together, according to data collected by NPR from state officials. Orfalea appears to have taken a screenshot of NPR’s graph.

“The risk and the hit concern around mental acuity in particular went down by eight points over the course of our campaign,” Rinkevich said.



Biden announced his withdrawal from the 2024 election on July 21 after a weeks-long campaign spearheaded by top Democrats following his poor debate performance on June 27 that raised concerns regarding his cognitive ability. This came after the White House insisted videos of Biden apparently freezing during a Juneteenth celebration and wandering off at the G7 Summit were “cheap fakes.” (RELATED: ‘Very, Very Concerned’: Trump Recalls ‘Only’ Interaction With Kamala’s VP Pick On ‘Fox & Friends)

On July 20, 2021, Durigan told the New Democrat Network (NDN) in a Zoom interview that big tech companies “really hold the cards” when it comes to what content disseminates on social media platforms. The NDN wrote at the time that Durigan runs the DNC’s countering disinformation program in a post highlighting the interview.

“There’s a reason why the hard-right dominates Facebook. It’s because of the way their system is oriented to hold people’s attention, to keep them afraid and outraged. That content kind of moves to the top, and then those publishers are incentivized create more of it, create more of this propaganda,” Durigan said, Biden-Harris posters visible on the wall behind him.

Concerns regarding censorship of conservative political content under the guise of “misinformation” and “disinformation” reached a fever pitch in October 2020, especially following the suppression of the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story by social media platforms, including Twitter and Facebook — which was later accepted as accurate reporting.

Outrage intensified when former President Donald Trump was banned, either for a period of time or permanently, across many social media platforms including Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube following the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. [SOURCE]


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Prosecutors Preview Aggressive Strategy in Hunter Biden’s Tax Case

Prosecutors signaled in a court filing on Wednesday that they intended to mount an aggressive strategy in Hunter Biden’s tax trial in California, saying they would show how foreign interests paid him to influence the U.S. government while his father was vice president.

The special counsel in the case, David C. Weiss, has wrangled for weeks with Mr. Biden’s lawyers over what evidence can be introduced when he is to be tried in September on charges of evading taxes on millions in income from foreign businesses. Already, Mr. Weiss has overseen Mr. Biden’s conviction tied to the purchase of a gun in Delaware in 2018.

Mr. Biden’s team had moved to disqualify evidence about his lucrative foreign business activities and lifestyle from a time when he was addicted to crack cocaine and alcohol. Mr. Weiss’s deputies rejected those arguments on Wednesday, in a preview of what promises to be a bare-knuckled courtroom strategy.

Prosecutors stopped short of accusing Mr. Biden of violating foreign lobbying laws, which are not among the charges for which he faces trial. While they intend to introduce evidence that Mr. Biden and his business partners contacted government officials, they said they did not plan to accuse him of having “improperly coordinated with the Obama administration.”

Instead, they plan to cite evidence related to his foreign business dealings to prove how he willfully engaged in a scheme to obtain vast amounts of cash without paying taxes.

To that end, prosecutors said they would introduce testimony from an American business associate of Mr. Biden’s to detail a lucrative arrangement with a Romanian real estate magnate who faced corruption charges at home.

The magnate, who is identified in the filing only by his initials but is known to be Gabriel Popoviciu, hoped that Mr. Biden and his associates could persuade U.S. officials to intervene with the Romanian authorities to drop a criminal investigation into a land deal with the government.

Mr. Popoviciu signed a $3 million agreement with Mr. Biden’s associate, who then passed a third of the money to Mr. Biden, according to prosecutors, who described the arrangement as an “attempt to influence U.S. government agencies.”

But it was configured as a property management agreement to avoid “political ramifications” for his father that could have arisen had Mr. Biden disclosed the work under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, or FARA, wrote Derek Hines, a top deputy to Mr. Weiss.

In the filing, prosecutors indicated that they intended to introduce evidence related to Mr. Biden’s business dealings with not only Mr. Popoviciu, but also the Ukrainian gas company Burisma and the Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC China Energy.

It was money for nothing, prosecutors said. Mr. Biden “performed almost no work in exchange for the millions of dollars he received from these entities,” they wrote.

Mr. Biden’s lawyers did not respond to a request for comment.

A message sent to an account known to have been used by Mr. Popoviciu did not immediately yield a response. His seven-year prison sentence for corruption was vacated by a Romanian court last year.

Mr. Popoviciu had retained a number of politically connected Americans to try to defuse the case.

Mr. Biden’s involvement could create complications as he seeks to avoid a second criminal conviction and possible prison time. The court documents suggest he could be in for another wrenching public reckoning if he does not reach a plea deal — after a shattering seven-day trial in June ended with his conviction on three felony counts for lying on a federal firearms application.

Mr. Weiss and Mr. Biden agreed to a plea deal in early 2023 that would have spared him any prison time. But it abruptly imploded at a hearing that July, when Judge Maryellen Noreika of the Federal District Court in Wilmington, Del., sharply questioned elements of the deal, saying she had no intention of being “a rubber stamp.”

At that hearing, Leo Wise, another deputy to Mr. Weiss, left open the possibility that Mr. Biden could be prosecuted for FARA violations.

The trial had loomed as a potential minefield in the presidential campaign, but it lost some of its potency when President Biden dropped his bid for re-election.

It could nonetheless prove embarrassing for Democrats, and provide a modest rallying point for Republicans who spent years spotlighting the younger Mr. Biden’s foreign business activities in a bid to damage his father. They have signaled that they plan to try to saddle Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, with the Biden administration’s baggage.

Last December, a federal grand jury in Los Angeles charged Mr. Biden, who has been sober for several years, in the tax case.

Mr. Biden pleaded not guilty to three counts each of evasion of a tax assessment, failure to file and pay taxes, and filing a false or fraudulent tax return — documented in a withering 56-page indictment that read like a play-by-play of personal indulgence and financial profligacy.

Prosecutors said that he “subverted the payroll and tax withholding process of his own company,” Owasco PC, by withdrawing millions from the coffers that he used to subsidize “an extravagant lifestyle rather than paying his tax bills.”

In the indictment, Mr. Weiss called out Mr. Biden for failing to pay child support and for his reliance on associates, including the Hollywood lawyer Kevin Morris, to pay his way.

The Biden legal team tried to throw out some of that evidence detailing his spending and partying, but the government is asking Judge Mark C. Scarsi, who is presiding in the case, to allow it to be introduced.

The post Prosecutors Preview Aggressive Strategy in Hunter Biden’s Tax Case appeared first on New York Times. [SOURCE]