Monday, November 3, 2008

On The Eve Of Destruction

Does it really look like Barack Obama is flipping off John McCain here? We're left to wonder, for sure. We can't be certain. This man-boy we know as Obama is capable of manipulating the truth to such a crafty level, that any protestation he might offer against this video above could actually sound plausible.

What if he has done this in the past?:

(He'd still try to laugh and condescend to you, remarking that "a man can't even scratch his face anymore without a crazed Republican claiming I'm sending hidden messages!")

He is cut from the same cloth as another trained lawyer, Bill Clinton, who was able to look straight into the national cameras, wagging his finger as he lectured us to not believe that he could have had sex with "that woman". Because the Arkansas lawyer was another man-boy who liked to play with the truth, we learned later, after the revelation of the blue dress, that he couldn't have been lying in that famous press conference, because in his mind, getting oral stimulation of his genitals to the point of ejaculation wasn't really sex.

Remember how the lawyer Clinton could actually look the prosecutor in the eye and make the case that "that depends on what the definition of 'is' is"? Well, if you can't wrap your mind around that one, don't worry. You're probably like me, who's had to live a life of 'meaning what you say, and saying what you mean'. Where I come from, trying to commit one of these smart-alek lies would easily get you slapped by your mother, or worse from your father. "Don't try to be cute with me!" she would say as she held back her arm, ready to unleash a harsh slap across the face if you didn't "get right" real quickly.

It's obvious that little man-boys like Clinton and Obama are the types who never had their faces slapped enough times, if at all. You can't go through life with this kind of disregard for the truth and keep all of your teeth from being knocked out or from landing in jail if you're like me.

What untruths has Obama committed? Well, it's not that easy when you're dealing with a trained mind, combined with an untrustworthy character. Obama is both. He has had his eye on the presidency for at least 20 years, and has muted his inner rage enough to conduct himself in the shadows, where meanings and intent are murky. There are professors who worked with him for years who scratch their heads and don't know where his core really lies.


Because he would talk one way with one crowd, then turn around to contradict what he had just said with another. This is what a politician does on his/her way to elected office. Never wanting to divulge their hand, and be loved by as many people as possible. It's what allows Obama to glad hand and back-slap in Pennsylvania, then turn around and demean and besmirch those same rural, mountain folk while in front of a bunch of San Francisco donors.

Or how about this recent case-in-point: Obama actually comes to woo one of the patriarchs from my Appalachian home, Ralph Stanley. Now, if you've never heard of Dr Stanley, just understand that he is pure mountain folk, artist extraordinaire, and still plucking along at 81 years old. Stanley originally cast his support (Ralph has been a lifelong Democrat) behind John Edwards, but when the North Carolina politician fell by the wayside a few months ago, Ralph allowed Barack to film a tv spot, endorsing Obama for president:

What Ralph Stanley, a man who came from coal mining all around him, didn't know was this:

The southwest Virginia families that Ralph Stanley speaks of so endearingly in that above spot will be the most heavily hurt by his man Obama. Ralph is a smart man, and wouldn't have made it this far if he wasn't. You can rest assured that Obama concealed his intentions to bankrupt the coal mining industry from Dr Stanley when he came calling to get his endorsement.

It is only hours before the polls open tomorrow, and I still don't know who's going to emerge. I do think it will be close, but beyond that, I can't hazzard a guess as to which will win. But if it is Obama, we have to get ready for another president who tries to be all things to all people, lives a life of nuance instead of clarity, and hides his real intentions at all times, leaving this great nation to struggle and decipher his true meaning.

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