Saturday, March 2, 2019

GULAG ALERT: AOC Starts A Hitlist Against Fellow Dems For Working Across The Aisle

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., threatened Thursday to put Democratic colleagues that vote Republican “on a list” for primary challenges.

The progressive freshman representative suggested in a closed-door meeting of House Democrats that she would help liberal activists unseat moderate Democrats skirting the party line, a spokesperson for Ocasio-Cortez said according to the Washington Post.

“She said that when activists ask her why she had to vote for a gun safety bill that also further empowers an agency that forcibly injects kids with psychotropic drugs, they’re going to want a list of names and she’s going to give it to them,” spokesperson Corbin Trent said, referring to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.[SOURCE]

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